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The Major Rivers of Europe- List to Study

Europe's Major Rivers- List to Study

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The European continent has a large number of rivers, streams and streams that make up its entire hydrographic network. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to dwell on the major rivers of Europe stopping in its characteristics, where we will see the places of birth and death, as well as the countries that they will go through on their journey. So you can get an idea of ​​the large number of rivers in Europe and the kilometers that carried out, in many cases crossing several entire countries before ending up in the different slopes.

As we have said before, the European continent has an extensive hydrographic network and in this lesson, we are going to stop at the 15 most important rivers in Europe being these:

  • Volga: it is the longest river in the old continent with 3700km of extension. Its birth occurs in the hills of the Valdai plateau. On your journey you will cross western Russia, emptying into the Caspian Sea.
  • Danube: we are facing the second longest river with 2860km in length. Its source occurs in the Black Forest and without leaving there it is already fed by two tributaries (the Brigach and Breg rivers). On his journey he will cross Europe to be able to flow into the Black Sea delta, passing through four European capitals (it is the only one that crosses so many), these being: Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest and Belgrade.
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  • Rin: its length is 1300km, being navigable from its mouth in the North Sea (Holland) to 883km. Its birth occurs in the Swiss Alps, passing through Austria, Liechtenstein, Lake Constance and Basel and Holland. It is also the natural border between France and Germany.
  • Elba: it has a length of 1165km. Its birth occurs in Bohemia, passing through Dresden, Magdeburg, having its end near the city of Hamburg (North Sea). Therefore we find a river from central Europe.
  • Vistula: its length is 1070km, being the most important river in Poland, because it crosses 46% of the country. It empties into the Baltic Sea.
  • Loire: with a length of 1020km, it is a river that passes only through France, originating in Mount Gerbier-de-lonc and flowing into the Atlantic Ocean past Nantes.
  • Block: with 1008km it is the largest river within the Iberian Peninsula, which it crosses in the central part. Its source occurs in the Sierra de Albarracín (Teruel), ending in Lisbon, that is, in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Garonne: with a length of 602km, it is born in Spain, but its crossing will take place in France, ending in a large estuary called Gironde (Atlantic Ocean).
  • TibeA: it is 400km long and is the third most important river in Italy. His birthplace is in Tuscany, his journey is oriented south, crossing the famous Italian capital, after which he empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea.
  • Arno: another of the important Italian rivers, 241km long, its source occurs in the Apennine Mountains, flowing into the Ligurian Sea (one of the arms of the Mediterranean). On his journey he passes through the famous Italian cities of Florence and Pisa.
  • Sign: with 776km it is one of the main commercial rivers of France. Its birth occurs in Côte-d’Or and dies in the estuary of Le Havre (in the English Channel), in its passage through the cities of Troyes, Paris and Rouen.
  • Thames: it has a length of 340km being the most important river in England, due among other characteristics because it is the one that supplies water to the city of London. He was born in Gloucestershire and on his journey through Oxford, Eton and London. Its mouth is in the North Sea.
  • Ebro: another of the most important rivers in the Iberian Peninsula, it is 910km long. Its main characteristic is that it is the only one that flows into the Mediterranean side.
  • Rhone: it is 812km long. Its birth occurs in Switzerland (at 2100m above sea). On its journey it passes through the Alps, Geneva, Lyon, Valence, Avignon and Arles, having its mouth in the Mediterranean.
  • Po: another of the Italian rivers, this one has 650 km. His birthplace is in the Alps (southwest of Turin). The cities that will pass during its passing will be Turin, Piacenza, Cremona and Ferrara, where we will find a delta that is bathed by the waters of the Adriatic Sea (south of Venice) where flows.
The main rivers of Europe- List to study - The main rivers of Europe and their characteristics

Image: Social Blog for 1st and 2nd ESO students

Once we have seen in order of importance the main rivers of Europe, we must talk about the different slopes where they will die:

  • Atlantic slope: here we will find the mouth of the Vistula, Elbe, Rhine, Seine, Loire, Thames, Garonne and Tagus rivers. A very important characteristic of these will be the abundant flow of water that they carry, which makes them largely navigable.
  • Mediterranean slope: we will find the mouth of the Ebro, Rhone, Arno, Tiber and Po, and in this case the flow is very irregular, this is due to rainfall.
  • Black Sea slope: in this case we will find the mouth of the Danube, although its waters are also bathed by other less important rivers. Its flow is important, being therefore one of the main waterways.
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