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The 17 types of sport (and their characteristics)

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We all seek to have a healthy and energetic body, we achieve this by including physical exercise in our daily lives. The physical activity that we practice will depend on what we like and enjoy, in order to perform a sport that not only helps us burn calories, prevent disease and control stress levels, but also increase self-esteem and performance in everything you let's do.

Formerly the sport was seen as a recreational practice, since it was a spectacle since the beginning of civilization, in where there were competitions where the man demonstrated the talents, strengths and abilities of him in front of kings or to honor his gods of him. One of the best known is undoubtedly the Olympics of Ancient Greece, whose celebration was in honor of the Gods of Olympus, there the best warriors competed in different disciplines for honor and glory.

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Did you know this about sports? How many types of sports do you think there are? If you want to find out,

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stay in this article where we will talk about the characteristics of all the sports that exist.

What benefits do sports bring us?

Throughout the world there are millions of people, whether they are children, young people and adults, who do sports either as a hobby or professionally, no matter what the cause that motivates the practice sporty, the point is that they can ensure that these benefits are obtained:

  • Helps improve endurance, coordination, dexterity and strength.

  • It allows the regularization of the presence of sugar in the blood, this helps to prevent diabetic problems and insulin resistance.

  • Blood pressure is regularized and therefore heart disease is avoided.

  • Joints and bones become stronger and more flexible.

  • Body weight is maintained.

Types of sports that exist and their characteristics

Knowing exactly how many types of sports currently exist is a somewhat difficult task to perform since at the same time Throughout history, numerous authors have made their classifications according to their own experiences and / or efforts. For example, Michael Bouet, in 1968, classified sports according to their routines and classified them as: combat, ball, mechanical, nature contact and athletic sports.

In that same year, Durand made the classification of him based on the teachings received from the practitioners and formed four groups of sports: individual, collective, outdoor and combat. Lev Pavlovich Matveev in 1975 proceeded to make a new classification taking into account the type of effort that is made in its execution, having in this way: Sports of muscular power, organic resistance, team, combat and complex.

In 1981, Parlebas used three criteria that allowed him to classify sports according to action, opponent, partner and a half, but it is a somewhat difficult classification to do. understand and that is why for 1984 Blázquez and Hernández propose a new classification thus giving four groups: Psychomotor sports, opposition, cooperation and cooperation-opposition.

Each sport is different and has its own way of cataloging it and in this article we will show you one of them, which is perhaps the best known.

1. Sports depending on the terrain

One of the important aspects to classify a sport is the area or zone where it will be developed or practiced, since that is the key point for its development and by which the rules to follow are established. Among those are:

1.1. Indoor or track

They are sports that are carried out in covered spaces with all the appropriate requirements for their execution. In this type of sports we can find table tennis or ping-pong, indoor soccer, ice hockey, boxing, contact sports, among others.

1.2. aerial

The practice of these sports must be done under the supervision of professionals, they are usually unique experiences charged with adrenaline. Skydiving, paragliding, free fall, hang gliding, model airplanes, paramotoring, are clear examples of this type of sports.


1.3. Terrestrial

They are those sports activities that include sports that are carried out in closed spaces and those that are done outdoors, such as marathons, cycling, mountaineering.

1.4. Aquatic

As its name indicates, they are sports that have water as a stage, here we can find swimming (in all styles), water polo, sailing, boating, among others.

2. Grip sports

They consist of the manipulation of the opponent (according to established norms) to obtain the victory, hitting is not allowed in this kind of sports. Greco-Roman wrestling and judo fall into this category.


3. adventure sports

Are those sports that in addition to having physical activities you have a recreational encounter with nature. So they are carried out exclusively in the open air. Canoeing, kayaking, zip-lining, skydiving, paragliding, horse riding, paintball or airsoft, canyoning or rappelling, rafting, diving and hydrospeed, are excellent extreme sports that we can do, if we like adventure.

4. Mountain Sports

This sports practice includes activities that are carried out taking place in the mountains as in a setting that emulates your level of difficulty, either as a competition or simply for recreation. Among the mountain sports we can mention: hiking, mountaineering, climbing, hiking, trail running, snowboarding, rafting, motocross and mountain biking.

5. team sports

They are those that need two organized groups that compete with each other at the same time, with the purpose of reaching or achieving a goal. Soccer, volleyball, basketball, baseball, American football, rugby, and water polo are some sports that are practiced in teams.

6. Ball sports


They are those that have the ball as a game element and it is practiced individually or by teams and among them we have: golf, handball, tennis, hockey, bowling.

7. Motor sports

Known worldwide as ‘motorsport’, they are a group of sports disciplines that are carried out in motorized vehicles. This type of sport generally requires a sponsor and motorcycle sports include: motor racing, autocross, rally, motocross, regattas, superbikes.

8. Strength sports

They are those that require physical strength as an unavoidable factor, we have as examples the weightlifting, strength or strongman athletics, stone lifting, and the shot put bullet.


9. Precision sports

Precision sports demand a lot of training and require great technique, it also leads to physical and mental wear on the participant. In the different disciplines that are part of this type of sport, the player participates in a individual, but there are others such as synchronized swimming that although it is done in a team, the precision is fundamental. Archery, goal scoring and horse riding are examples of precision sports.

11. extreme sports

They are sports practices that take place in very strong weather conditionsAlso included are those sports that are performed under dangerous terms due to their complexity. Among them we have: canyoning, surfing, skiing, skydiving, rafting and parkour.

12. Combined event sports

They are competitions that are held individually and that can last between one to two days depending on the category. They can be performed on outdoor or indoor tracks, so we have the heptathlon, pentathlon and decathlon.

13. Mental sports

The brain is one more organ of the human body that also needs to be trained and for that, mental sports such as chess is excellent, we can even enjoy them in board games and digital agility applications mental. This type of sport exercises the brain and is perfectly combined with other disciplines such as soccer and swimming.

Through mental sports the brain remains active thus preventing the appearance of neurodegenerative diseases such as senile dementia and Alzheimer's.

14. Weapon sports

These sports disciplines demand dexterity and precision since, as the name implies, a weapon is required to achieve the objective set. Among the sports with weapons that we can find we have: Fencing, target shooting and biathlon (combination of skiing with rifle shooting).

15. Equine sports

Throughout history, the horse has been a means of transportation and communication that has existed for thousands of years and in the world of sports this beautiful animal has accompanied man in various disciplines in which the main thing is the joint work between man and horse to reach the goal. Horse riding in its different categories and polo are examples of this wonderful symbiosis.

16. Board sports

They are practiced with some type of board as the main element, surfing was the first board sport that was practiced in the world. With the passage of time, more sports were incorporated and currently we have: Snowboarding, windsurfing, kitesurfing, surfing, skateboarding, mountainboarding and longboarding.

17. winter sports

They are the different sports modalities that They are carried out with snow or ice as the setting, either in natural or artificial conditions.. Ice skating (in all its forms), skiing, sledding, snowboarding and curling are good examples of these sports.

Surely you can find many more sports or you know some that have not been mentioned here, but what we strongly recommend is that you practice any of them.


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