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11 best home exercise routines for kids

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At what age do you think it is convenient to start exercising? Many people start this path during the adolescence, to burn energy and define the body, so that in adulthood favorable and visible results can be obtained, on a pleasant aesthetic and ideal health. However, did you know that children can exercise too?

Childhood is a great stage to create routines and disciplines that your children can follow during their growth and one of the best things that you should instill in them is to perform physical exercises in a keep going. In this way you can avoid health difficulties and diseases derived from sedentary lifestyle or poor eating habits.

Thinking about it and trying to motivate families in these times where we stay at home. We bring the best exercise routines at home for children that they can take advantage of in their free time.

Why is physical exercise important in childhood?

Some of you may think that it is a bit of an exaggeration for children to engage in physical activities, as they are still young and their bodies are not fully developed. But keep in mind that exercise routines for children are not at all similar to those that adolescents do, much less adults. So they do not pose a risk to your children's health.

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Having clarified this point, one of the greatest importance of promoting physical exercises during childhood is to reduce the risks of suffering or developing diseases in this stage. As is the case with childhood obesity, diabetes or cardiovascular problems.

Another essential point that we can mention is that, through daily exercise routines, you can educate your little ones to have responsibility and commitment. In addition, can help release that extra energy that children have in a suitable and favorable way for them. In this way they can have a fun time of healthy activities and develop a taste for these options over other risk behaviors.

Tips to keep in mind for children's exercise routines

Although it does not take much preparation for children to start exercising. But there are some points that you should keep in mind.

1. Join them

It is very important that at the beginning you are there with them supporting them. So you can do the routines with them until they get familiar and feel comfortable going it alone.

2. Be the example

Children model everything that their parents do, so if you want them to adopt a healthier and more energetic lifestyle, take the first step and you will see how easily they become motivated.

3. Look for simple routines

You must bear in mind that the idea is not that your little one becomes a guru of the fitnessBut learn how to have a healthy lifestyle. So you should focus on simple routines that keep you active and improve your endurance.

4. Make it fun!

Do not focus only on exercises to work the body, look for more fun and energetic routines. Some great options are dancing, yoga, sports, etc. So don't look boring to them.

5. Do not forget about the food

If you want to create healthy habits from childhood, not only exercises are enough, but you must also teach them to eat in a balanced and nutritious way. So implement the consumption of natural foods over processed ones.

6. Adapt the level of difficulty

It is important to remember that each child has their own level of physical difficulty according to her age, so you must bear in mind that each exercise must be adapted according to these characteristics. But don't limit yourself or worry too much. Start with simple routines and increase their degree of difficulty as the weeks go by and your children conquer exercise.

Best home exercise routines for kids

Taking into account the above points, We will show you which are the most recommended and fun exercise routines for your little ones to take advantage of their time at home and do sports adapted to their ages, characteristics and preferences.

1. Gymnastics

Gymnastics at home? it's possible? Of course it is! Gymnastics does not need many elements other than motivation and discipline. With these routines your children will be able to master their body, have better mobility and control of their motor skills, as well as gain balance and flexibility.

Of course, these routines do not practice gymnastic competition exercises. Rather, the physical activities that these athletes perform are offered.

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2. Exercises for the whole body

These are the most challenging but entertaining of all exercise routines, as we get the whole body moving, working and toning every part of it. So your little one will need strength and concentration so that each exercise can be performed effectively and if you exercise with them, you will have the plus of achieving a notable improvement in your Body.

For this, the best options are modifications to traditional exercises, such as: plank, jumps with hand and leg spreads, push-ups, squats, jump squats, steps up benches, earwigs, etc. Then you can start preparing it to target specific areas of the body if you wish.

3. Cardio

Cardio is excellent for improving and increasing internal organ function, body stamina, and blood circulation. So you can strengthen the hearts and muscles of your children. The best cardio routines are burpees, jumper jacks, jogging on site or around the house, knee raises, mountain climbers, dynamic jumps, etc.

Again keep in mind that this must be a modification according to the age and physical condition of your children. But you must increase the difficulty as they master the exercise.

4. Circuits

For adults, exercise circuits can seem difficult and very exhausting, but in this case you need to use your creativity and create circuits entertaining for children, where in addition to doing a physical exercise, they also perform a funny challenge or that there is a reward when they finish completing the circuit.

You can also make use of materials in your home, such as chairs, benches, balls, jump ropes, plastic bottles filled with sand and turned into weights, etc.

Yoga is one of the most entertaining routines of all, since we are working our entire body, in different exercises. so it is a great, very attractive alternative for children, as they are curious about doing yoga asanas. These help children gain self-confidence, improve circulation, stamina, and flexibility.

They are also exercises that do not have a strong impact, so it is suitable for children of any age.

Kids yoga

6. Zumba

Zumba is another excellent option to consider to exercise your little ones in a different and entertaining way than Your curiosity about dancing is piqued, and you may even enjoy this activity so much that you indulge in it in a future. The best thing about dancing is that they can train the entire body completely, while gaining better functionality in the internal organs.

So don't hesitate any longer and look for the best Zumba tutorials to dance with your little ones and make exercise, a party at home.

7. Challenged walks

Those walks that sometimes tend to have challenges every few meters you can recreate at home. It doesn't matter if you have a small space, for example, you can ask for a different exercise every 10 steps, such as squats, crunches, bumpers, etc. This will help your little ones entertain themselves while doing various activities.

You can even do a family hiking challenge to see who can successfully complete them.

8. Jump rope

These are one of the most dynamic exercises of all, where you can also develop your wits by discovering different ways to jump rope. As long as they are safe for children of course. These routines not only help to achieve excellent physical condition, but also improve the resistance and balance of your little ones.

Which can help prevent injuries in the future and better control gross motor skills.

9. Flexibility challenges

Including flexibility in exercise routines is very important, as this helps your children strengthen their muscles and their mobility, which prevents them from suffering any type of injury or tear muscular. In addition, it provides the necessary resistance so that your little ones can perform more complicated and demanding exercise routines in the future.

10. Endurance challenges

In these routines you begin to test the physical resistance of your children, in this way you can help them increase their strength and body balance. Therefore, it is also necessary to include some of these exercises so that the physical work is complete, not only putting the body in motion but also toning it.

11. Balance challenges

While with these routines, you can give your little ones the possibility of improving their balance. which is beneficial for your coordination, spatial sense, and even your attention, as you need to be focused to stay in place. It also helps you overcome obstacles as balance routines are difficult to master at first, but not impossible.

Are you ready to get moving with your little ones at home?

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