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How to lose weight in a month in a healthy way

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There are times when we feel great, and others when we want to lose a few kilograms that we consider “too much”.

Sometimes, for some specific reason, we even want to lose weight expressly. How to lose weight in a month and in a healthy way?

In this article we will try to answer this question through 7 ideas or tips, related to: diet, sports, healthy habits and professional advice. These are general ideas that can guide us a bit, although each idea must be adapted to each particular case.

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How to lose weight in a month in a healthy way, in 7 tips

In this article we propose 7 ideas or tips that can help you, in relation to how to lose weight in a month in a healthy way. We are going to know each of these ideas / tips below.

1. Ask for nutritional advice

If you want to know how to lose weight in one month in a healthy way, First of all, you should be advised by a professional in the field. We talk about doctors, endocrine doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, etc.

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Make sure you go to a real professional (that is, with a degree and experience), and don't waste time with people without an official degree, since we are talking about a health issue. Avoid unnecessary risks!

A medical professional or a nutritionist can design a strict and personalized diet for you to lose weight. These diets often contain foods that are low in carbohydrates and fat (especially saturated fat).

In addition, they bet on healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, etc. This advice, in addition, will allow you to solve possible doubts, and is a good way to start this path to lose weight in a healthy, sensible way and without risks to your health.

2. Follow a strict diet

Linked to the previous step, we found this one: eating a strict (but healthy!) diet. As we are talking about a short period (only one month) to reduce weight, the diet that we must follow will be strict. We insist that you should go to a professional who designs this diet for you, adapting it to your needs, schedules, weight, Body Mass Index, etc.

There are a lot of strict diets. The characteristics that they share, but, fundamentally, are two: a necessary minimum caloric intake (according to age and weight of the person, between 1200 and 1500 kilocalories per day) and a series of foods low in fat and carbohydrates carbon.

3. Do not rely only on the Internet

Another tip on how to lose weight in a month in a healthy way is not to trust the Internet too much. On the Internet you will find a large number of miracle diets and products, but you will not always find them on reliable pages. In addition, on the Internet today anyone can write, so you will never really know who writes the information in relation to diets.

So, we recommend that you use the Internet only to check data or doubts you have already resolved with your doctor or nutritionist, to get ideas, "gossip" alternatives, open your mind, etc. But never rely solely on the Internet to make your plan on how to lose weight in a healthy month, because your health could be in danger.

3. Don't peck between meals

Another idea on how to lose weight in a month in a healthy way, related to food, consists of not pecking between meals. Obviously, if we design a strict diet (and we follow it properly), this idea is included for sure.

The ideal is that we maintain specific, stable and safe eating habits, and that we do not skip them: that is, always eat at the same time, "X" number of meals, do not peck, etc.

On the other hand, many times, in addition to pecking, we peck "badly" (that is, eating processed products, pastries, etc.). In addition, snacking takes away our hunger to eat and makes us eat poorly or less later, altering our habits (or in this case, our diet).

4. Drink two liters of water a day

It is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day. A recommended guideline figure is between a liter and a half and two liters of water per day. It is a healthy habit that will help us not retain fluids; In addition, it helps to lose weight, since it makes our metabolism work more efficiently.

On the other hand, This habit not only helps to lose weight in a healthy way in a month, but it also participates in other processes and carries other benefits, such as: improve digestion, avoid constipation, increase the body's energy, relieve symptoms of fatigue, etc.

5. Avoid ultra-processed food

Ultra-processed food is one that has gone through many chemical processes to keep it "edible" for longer. It is food that is far removed from healthy foods. In reality they are industrial food preparations, that is, they do not provide health or nutrients (or minimally), and also, it is the type of food that has more numbers of making us gain weight and gain weight.

That is why in this month in which we want to lose weight, we must avoid it at all costs. Examples of ultra-processed (or also processed) food are: jelly beans, sweets, industrial pastries, soft drinks, energy drinks, chips, pizzas, ultra-processed juices, etc.

Instead of this type of food, we should opt (always following the diet that they have designed for us) for vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, etc. In other words, "real" food (now the term "real food" has become very popular).

6. Avoid sweets

Along the lines of the above, We found the following tip: avoid sweets. Sweets often contain large amounts of sugars (especially added or "artificial" sugars). This makes it a type of food that will make us gain weight easily.

So, following the ideas on how to lose weight in a month in a healthy way, we will stay away from sweets at least during this period of time.

7. Practice intense physical exercise

Some experts in the field affirm that our body depends 80% on food and 20% on physical exercise. Obviously, these percentages vary among the experts themselves, but most of them think that the Nutrition plays a fundamental role in defining our body (this includes weight, silhouette body, etc.).

However, physical exercise also plays a very important roleSince, no matter how much we eat healthy, if we do not burn the “extra” calories, eating alone can do little. So, during this month in which you have considered losing weight, you should practice physical exercise intensively.

You can go to a professional related to the world of sports (coach / physical trainer) so that make you some kind of personalized planning (program), or go for free, but training in a strict. The ideal this month is that you do sports every day, at least one hour a day, and more hours if your rhythm of life allows (logically, this may vary depending on age, weight, needs, schedules, previous injuries, etc.).

The number of sports you can practice is very large: basketball, soccer, fitness (gym), running, boxing, skating, swimming, etc. The important thing is that you practice it conscientiously and constantly.

  • Any ideas: "The 5 best exercises to lose weight at home"

Bibliographic references

  • Dapcich, V. et al. (2004). The healty food guide. Spanish Community Nutrition Society.

  • Ríos, C. (2019). Eat real food: A guide to transform your diet and your health (Disclosure-Self-help). Editorial Paidós. Planet of Books.

  • SENC. (2001). Dietary Guidelines for the Spanish Population: recommendations for a healthy diet. Madrid; IM&C, S.A. p: 1-502.
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