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20 quick but healthy dinners to get you out of a pinch

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There is not always the time needed to prepare complex recipes, and there are days when it is vital to be able to make a quick dinner. Of course, without forgetting about health, and eating fast does not mean preparing poor quality food.

Preparing a quick and healthy dinner is possible without being overwhelmed. In this article there is a list of recipes that are easy, quick, healthy, and also delicious. Whether it is to share with the family or for a single person, any of these recipes are a good option.

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20 quick but healthy dinners to get you out of a pinch

When time is short, it is essential to have some quick resources to eat. You don't need to go through extensive culinary preparations to get out of a hurry, and there are some recipes that will help you using ingredients that are commonly found at home.

Even with a little creativity you can bring a plate with great taste and presentation to the table. Surely reviewing the following list you can find good options to prepare a dinner with what you have at home.

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1. Grilled chicken with steamed vegetables

Preparing the grilled chicken with steamed vegetables takes no more than 20 minutes. First the vegetables are cut and put in a colander over a pot of boiling water. While you can make the grilled chicken. At the end it can be seasoned with a little vinaigrette.

2. Stuffed avocados

Stuffed avocados are a very healthy dinner. You have to cut the avocado in two and remove the bone. You can prepare a tuna salad with chopped tomato, onion, coriander and cheese. All mixed and served in the same avocado.

3. Zucchini spaghetti

Zucchini spaghetti is easy to make with a spiral cutter. You have to cut the zucchini with the cutter to have it in the shape of spaghetti. Then pieces of cheese and walnuts are cut, which are sprinkled on top with a little ginger and the juice of half a lemon.

4. Lettuce rolls

Lettuce rolls are a very healthy alternative. You have to cut the most tender lettuce leaves and fill them with rice, tuna, tomato, olives, capers, cooked vegetables and / or small pieces of ham. When finishing it can be drizzled with vinegar or dressing.

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5. Omelette or scrambled eggs

The tortilla rolls are an option that does not fail. First, a little mushrooms, vegetables or ham are passed through the paella. Once this is cooked, it is removed, the beaten egg is placed in the pan and wrapped. The way to roll the omelette requires a bit of technique, otherwise it will be scrambled eggs.

6. Salad with chicken and raspberries

A salad with chicken and raspberries is a quick and light dinner. Cut spinach and lettuce. Grill the chicken in fillets. Add goat cheese and raspberries, or substitute for strawberries. Mix and serve with a vinaigrette and a little honey.

7. Broccoli salad with ham

A broccoli salad with ham is delicious and light. First it is necessary to steam small portions of broccoli, and while lightly roasting in a pan a little ham. Then a pair of tomatoes are cut into strips and sliced ​​black olives are added. Finally the ingredients are mixed and vinegar or dressing is added.

8. Rolled asparagus

The rolled asparagus recipe is simpler than it seems. Square pieces of puff pastry should be cut, all of the same size. They are then rolled in 2 asparagus with a strip of bacon. The asparagus roll is then "painted" with a beaten egg and left to bake for 15 minutes at 220 °.

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9. Smoked salmon rolls

Smoked salmon rolls are a quick but healthy dinner. First, a little onion and dill are finely chopped and a little lemon juice and a little cheese spread are added. Then the rolls are made with the smoked salmon and presented on a bed of lettuce and sliced ​​radish.

10. Vegetarian hamburger

A veggie burger is a light dinner option. Just mix cooked cauliflower, tomato, chopped cucumbers, egg, gouda cheese and a little salt and pepper. When you have the pasta, they are made into balls and kneaded to obtain the shape of the hamburger. To enhance the flavor you can include coriander or parsley if you have it in the kitchen.

11. Tomato cream

This tomato cream can be ideal for a summer dinner. To make it, chopped tomatoes are put in a saucepan over medium heat in which you can add a few cloves of garlic, an onion and chopped celery. After 20 minutes salt is added and it is liquefied. Finally you can decorate the presentation with pitted grapes and basil.

12. Spaghetti with chicken and spinach

Spaghetti with chicken and spinach is a very complete dinner. In a saucepan, cook the chicken with tomatoes, basil, spinach and salt to taste. At the same time the spaghetti is cooked, and when everything is ready it is mixed and a little olive oil is added.

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13. Ham stuffed chicken rolls

Chicken rolls stuffed with ham are an alternative with a lot of protein. To prepare it, serrano ham should be placed on some thin chicken fillet strips, and everything is spread with a little spreadable cheese. Then it is rolled up and poked with a toothpick so that it does not come apart. It is only necessary then to fry with a little oil.

14. Baked salmon

Baked salmon is delicious and very quick to prepare. For this, it is necessary to wrap a piece of salmon in aluminum and with vegetables cut in julienne on top. It can be cooked in the microwave for 4 minutes at maximum power, or in the oven previously preheated to 200 ° for 15 minutes.

15. Mixed ham and cheese sandwich

A mixed ham and cheese sandwich is an easy alternative for a quick dinner. You only have to spread two slices of bread with butter and put in the middle a slice of cheese and a slice of ham (or more). Put in a pan up and around until the bread is golden brown.

16. Fish Kebabs

Fish skewers are a delicious and quick dish to make. You have to prepare the skewers with pieces of fish, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes and onion. All the pieces are roasted in a pan and then salt and pepper are added to taste. They can then be punctured to make skewers.

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17. Corn tostadas with tuna

Some corn tostadas with tuna are delicious and light for dinner. To make them, tuna is prepared with finely chopped onion and tomato. Then they are placed on dehydrated corn tostadas and the tuna is added and garnished with chopped coriander. You can add a little dressing.

18. Salmon and tomato tartare

The secret of this salmon and tomato tartare is in the smoked salmon. First the salmon is cut into small cubes, as well as tomato and avocado. Oil, mustard and soy sauce are mixed with the cubes of smoked salmon, tomato and avocado and everything is mixed. Then a round mold is used and served.

19. Vegetable casserole with egg

This Egg Veggie Casserole is great for getting out of a hurry. To make this quick dinner, zucchini, carrots, and tomatoes are sliced ​​and deep-fried. Then a little tomato sauce is placed in a casserole that is put around the vegetables and an egg is added. At the end it is put to bake for 10 minutes at 200 °.

20. Peas with squid

Peas with squid are a very quick dinner to prepare. The peas can be canned or frozen to make it even quicker to make. You only have to sauté the squid rings and the red onion, which is previously cut into julienne. Then the peas are added, a little is left in the pan, and it is ready to eat.

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Bibliographic references

  • Coscarelli, C. (2013). Chloe's kitchen: 125 easy, delicious recipes for making the food you love the vegan way. London: Simon & Suchester.

  • Luz, M. (2009). Simple cooking manual. Seville: Extramuros Edition.

  • Marrodán, I. (1995). Simple cooking for tough times. Madrid: Alliance.
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