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Tricks to seduce a man: how to make him fall in love in 9 steps

Go out to conquer and flirt with guys it is very easy for some and quite difficult for others. But, contrary to what many people think, it has nothing to do with physical beauty, but rather with that innate coquetry that we carry inside and the security and confidence that we have in ourselves themselves.

We have that person we like right in front of us and we get nervous, we get blocked and we don't know how to act. That is why sometimes we need to know some tricks to seduce a man that can help us at that moment.

In any case, remember that the art of seduction also includes the other and the chemistry between you, however we leave you a selection of 9 tricks to seduce a man that will help you play your cards and make him fall in love instantly.

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Tricks to seduce a man on the first date

You will see that many of the tricks to seduce a man that we tell you, also have to do with love own and also, that despite the passage of time and generations, the advice of the grandmother continues running.

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1. Always be yourself

Authenticity is an infallible weapon to seduce. When you act normal, being the person you always are, without trying to impress or please the guy you are with, you simply attract because you are genuine. You don't see yourself making an effort, and the boys love that we feel comfortable when we are with them, because that gives them the opportunity to feel free to be who they are too.

Always remember that you don't have to change who you are to seduce a man and that this one likes you; in fact, if you think that's what you have to do, then you're after the wrong guy. You have to know that you are perfect as you are and the boy who deserves your attention will see that perfection and the wonderful woman that you are.

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2. Security and trust above all

In line with the first trick to seduce a man, our second advice is that you trust yourself, in the great woman that you are, in your inner and outer beauty, because we are more than sure that you are beautifull. Trust your ideas, what you like, what you enjoy and everything that is part of you. Because when you trust yourself, you transmit security and there is nothing more attractive to a boy than a confident woman.

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3. Eye contact never fails

Now, if you need a few tricks up your sleeve for that date with the guy you like so much, eye contact never fails. In fact, it is one of the most effective tricks to seduce a man.

Stare at him while you speak, while listening to him, or while answering his questions. Let me look into your eyes and don't hide themfor there is nothing to hide or to be ashamed of. Eye contact shows that you trust yourself and that you are authentic. It is super seductive, and there are even some guys who can be intimidated, in a good sense of the word of course.

Of course, for this trick to work, keep in mind that It is about looking carefully and not devouring the boy with your eyes most provocative on the planet. As they say out there, do not show hunger.

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4. Smile

Both men and women are attracted to smiles, because they show happiness, freedom, that you are a positive person and, more importantly, since we are Talking about how to seduce a man, it shows that you have fun in his company and that you feel comfortable with he. So don't force those smiles; just don't hold them back and be natural.

5. Flirt with him

We all have our innate flirtatious techniques, they come out by themselves. Of course, some of us know our tricks much more than others. That's why we tell you some of the signs of flirtation.

The smile is very important and we already tell you why, but another way to seduce a man by flirting is, by example, playing a little with your hair, in a subtle movement so that he sees it move and how he frames your expensive.

6. Actively chat

A good talk is very important to seduce a man. Speak naturally about whatever they are talking about; If he makes you feel more confident, find out a little about things you could talk about with him. Remember that a very important part of a good talk is listening.

The important thing here is that you allow the conversation to flow so that you can get to know each other better. This is neither to monopolize the conversation, nor to arrive with a questionnaire of questions, nor to respond with monosyllables and curtly. We're sure you know what it's like to keep up in a conversation, and it is very attractive to feel that we can talk to the other person.

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7. But don't turn the talk into complaints

And it is that you put yourself in their place. To complain we are already stuck in our heads with our dilemmas, our disagreements and our problems. This is not to say that you can't freely say what you don't like, or that if you had a bad day tell him a bit, because this is very different from complaining.

The first dates are to laugh, to enjoy, to get to know each other And what would you think of a person who is complaining about everything from the first moment? So this trick to seduce a man, more than doing more is doing less.

8. Some other physical contact

Another way to seduce a man is allow a little physical contact subtly and make it look completely natural. Try, for example, to touch his shoulder for a few seconds, while you tell him a story; another way is if he's the one who decides to put his hand on your shoulder and you're comfortable with it, don't show any surprise (because you die of joy and nerves) but you act very naturally, as if you were used to it.

9. Look how you dress, but be careful with your skin

The last of the tricks to seduce a man that we give you is that you take care of your appearance when you go out with him. In what sense? Dress for the occasion.

It is a gesture that shows that you care how he sees you, but don't overshoot for the occasion either so that he looks over the top for where they are and, even worse, it seems that you are wanting to impress and that you are not entirely comfortable in the clothes you are wearing.

Many times we fall into the error of thinking that the more skin we show, the more we will seduce it and, as our grandmothers say very well, it is just the opposite. There is more provocation for what we do not see and it is mysterious to us than from what we see, so better leave everything to the imagination. Very deep necklines and extremely short skirts can send the wrong message and in many cases, scare the boys.

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