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Where is Malta on the map

Where is Malta on the map

It may be that on some occasion you have heard of Malta but do not know how to locate it exactly on the map. Malta is an island country that belongs to the European Union since 2004. It is a very small island of about 320 km2 but with a high population density, taking into account that It has registered up to 1,358 inhabitants per km2, also its capital, Valletta, is the smallest of all Europe. If you want to know something more about her, then in this lesson from a TEACHER, you will not only know how to place her in the map but you will also learn those most characteristic aspects for yourself that one day you decide visit her. Keep reading and you will discover where is Malta on the map.

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  1. Malta on the map
  2. History of Malta
  3. Other information of interest about Malta
  4. Culture in Malta

Malta on the map.

If you want to know where is Malta on the map you have to know that it is part of the European continent. Malta is part of an archipelago and is located in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Italy, about 90 kilometers from the Island of Sicily.

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This archipelago is made up of the island of Malta (which is the largest in terms of surface area), Gozo, where the famous and well-known Blue Window, a huge natural monument that arose from the erosion of the sea and the wind and Comino, these three are the only inhabited.

We also find other smaller ones that are the San Pablo Islands and the Filfla and Cominotto islets that are not permanently inhabited. All of them are characterized by their crystal clear turquoise blue waters ideal for water activities such as diving.

Where is Malta on the map - Malta on the map

History of Malta.

Now that you know where Malta is on the map, let's dive a little deeper into its history. The first colonizers of the island of Malta can be traced back to the Stone Age around 5000 BC. C. and that can be observed in the remains of megalithic temples that are still preserved, such as the temple of Hagar Qim.

Later it was occupied by the Phoenicians and used as a port for stopovers on commercial routes. With the passage of time it was also occupied by the Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans and Arabs until in 1090 they were removed by the Normans from Sicily.

In 1282 it became part of the Crown of Aragon And so it continued for two and a half centuries until in 1530 King Carlos I of Spain left the islands in charge of the Knights Hospitallers, which is what we know today as the Order of Malta. It knew how to face the conquest of the Ottomans who wanted to take over the island in order to control access to the western Mediterranean.

The dominance of this order was ended with the invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte In 1798, the Maltese revolted and they had British help who decided after the Treaty of Paris that it would remain under his dominion, as a port on its route to India due to its proximity to the Suez Canal.

In 1964 it became independent from the British, although they continued to remain in their territory until 2004 when it became part of the European Union.

Other information of interest about Malta.

Now that we know how to locate Malta on the map, we are going to give you some information about how people live on this Mediterranean island.

Climate in Malta

Malta has a Mediterranean climate mild and rainy winters with an average temperature of about 14 ° C and hot and dry summers that oscillate around 25 ° C. Its climate attracts tourists a lot, especially in summer since high temperatures do not occur in them, in addition to Wind greatly reduces the thermal sensation and that makes both winters and summers more nice.


English along with Maltese are the official languages ​​of the island, Although its proximity to Italy has made a large part of the Maltese population understand and speak Italian, which was also the official language until 1934. The British influence, being a former English colony, favored that English is the most widely spoken language, becoming today one of the favorite places to study English.

Maltese however is a Semitic language derived mainly from Arabic, but it also has influences from Italian, French and English.

Religion in Malta

The Maltese population is in its great majority catholic also as a curious fact we have to say that Malta has 365 churches, as many as there are days in a year.

Where is Malta on the map - Other interesting facts about Malta

Culture in Malta.

With regard to Maltese culture we could say that it is a reflection of all cultures of the different countries that it was governed, especially Italy in relation to gastronomy and United Kingdom because it drives on the left and because of the presence of phone booths.

Despite being a small country, it can boast of having three places declared a World Heritage Site and they are about the capital itself, where the only signed and largest work of the painter Caravaggio, La beheading of Saint John the Baptist, the megalithic temples among which stands out Ggantija in Gozo and the Hypogeum Hal saflieni dating between 3600 and 2400 BC. C.

To finish saying that it has been the setting for movies due to its spectacular landscapes that can be seen in Gladiator, Troy and in the recent Games of Thrones series. As regards the economy, it basically lives off tourism, and foreign trade, since there are several ports that we can find along its 197 kilometers of coastline.

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