Top 50 Dutch and Dutch Proverbs
Proverbs not only contain wisdom passed down from generation to generation, but also they are a sample of the occurrences and beliefs of a culture that can end up being a lot of fun and unique. In this case, we will know the best proverbs and sayings that encompass the Netherlands or Holland, as it is also known, which deal with wisdoms, manners and occurrences of everyday life that have marked history and its people in their own way, even influencing culture itself from the country.
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Great proverbs from the Netherlands
A curiosity is that there is a painting made by Pieter Bruegel called 'The Dutch Proverbs', although it is also named as ‘The Flamenco Proverbs’, ‘The blue layer’ or ‘The reverse world’, which is considered one of the best paintings in the world, not only for its rich technique on oil painting in the Dutch Renaissance style, but because it contains more than 100 Dutch sayings, some of which will be shown throughout this collection of proverbs.
1. Although he will put the frog in a golden cage, he will return to the swamp again.
You can give someone everything, but you can't always please them.
2. No one depends on the wound of another.
We do not have to harm another to grow, this only makes us evil people.
3. He who swallows fires, shits sparks.
The one who always focuses on criticizing will never have something good to say.
4. Now the jumpsuit comes out of the sleeve.
There will always be that moment when people show their true face even if they try to do everything to hide it.
5. Never assume that your enemy is weak.
Never underestimate anyone. You don't know what his true capabilities are and they can surpass you in a jiffy.
6. Be a pillar biter.
Don't be intimidated by obstacles. Prepare yourself, study them and you can overcome them.
7. Swimming against the current.
Sometimes we must take risks to get good results, even if it is against the popular and moralistic beliefs of others around us.
8. By the fruits you know the tree.
The true way to know someone is through her actions, especially in the most difficult moments.
9. Spread the cape as the wind blows.
Talk about how to act at the most precise moments and take advantage of the opportunities that suit us best.
10. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to also light a candle to the devil.
A reference to getting along, even with the people we least like, as it is better to have friends than to have enemies.
11. Peace is signed in the shadow of swords.
Peace has been achieved through wars.
12. Where wheat dwindles, pigs abound.
When you are lucky, you can see how stakeholders want to be around you, people who would not be by your side if you lose everything you have.
13. Everything goes into one stomach.
Talk about having good table manners. Not just courtesy, but about eating whatever there is.
14. A house full of women is like a cellar full of sour beer.
A reference to the gossipy and critical nature of women, as they tend to attack each other. Do you think this is true?
15. Make the roof with cakes.
We must maintain humility while we go away. That is why we must build our home with love and kindness.
16. Put the bell on the cat.
A reference to risking doing something daring and even dangerous. You should be careful about this, as it is okay to take risks as long as you do not cause harm to yourself or others.
17. Wipe your ass at the door.
Leave negative feedback outside of the home of others. If your opinion is not required, then it is better to be silent.
18. Each one prays to the god who comes to his aid.
Many people believe in their own gods.
19. Shit through the same hole.
A very peculiar way of referring to how close two people are.
20. Act normally as it is crazy enough.
For some, maintaining good manners is quite a feat as they require great effort and an attitude that they do not possess.
21. Get married under the broomstick.
This is said to couples living in common law who have no intention of getting married.
22. Putting sticks in the wheels.
This talks about placing obstacles on others just to make them fall. That is to say, a corrupt triumph.
23. Put the blue cape on the husband
An interesting way of referring to infidelity in marriages.
24. When the cow reaches the meadow it licks the dew.
Appreciate simple things, because they are what make real things beautiful.
25. Being able to tie the devil to a pillow.
Talking about the fidelity of someone restless. Has this happened to you?
26. Typhus, cancer, cholera.
Bad things come in groups. Therefore, you have to be well focused to face difficulties.
27. That is like a stick in the water.
Another way of saying that it is clearer than water.
28. When the veal is drowned they cover the well.
Precautions should not be taken until disasters strike. Better safe than sorry.
29. Be armed to the teeth.
Talking about being very well prepared. A very necessary and functional tool to try to do something new or face problems.
30. What is paid for with tears is not returned with salt water.
If you do something wrong, do not expect to be repaid with something positive, if you want to receive love then treat others as you would like to be treated.
31. Even if a monkey wears a gold ring, he will still be ugly.
A different way of saying that 'even if the monkey dresses in silk, she stays cute'. Will you talk about beauty or the inner nature of people?
32. It is modesty that wears the true crown.
Freedom and modesty should not be at odds. Not because free speech is defended does it mean that we can get away with it.
33. The water reaches my lips.
The equivalent of the saying "with the water around the neck", that is, having many things on top that we feel drowned and stressed.
34. That is another cookie.
"That is another matter." does it sound familiar to you? Well, this is another way of showing that saying.
35. You are coming out of your neck.
Don't stay in your comfort zone. Take a chance, even if you don't get exactly what you want, but you may get something you love more.
36. If it's red tomorrow, there will be water in the ditch.
When something predicts problems, it is what they will surely bring.
37. Too beautiful to be true.
There are things that seem to be too good that they end up arousing suspicion.
38. The big fish eats the boy.
People with power often take advantage of those in need.
39. As healthy as a fish in water.
A reference to having a healthy lifestyle and how it makes us feel lighter.
40. As if an angel had pissed on my tongue.
A strange way of saying that something tastes very good; I mean, something that makes your mouth water just thinking about it.
41. Poverty exempts from all shame.
When there is a need, we are willing to do many things or to live in the most basic way possible.
42. So much does the jug go to the fountain that it ends up breaking.
If you keep insisting on something, it will consume you. So be careful what you search for because you may not like what you find.
43. Better half an egg than an empty shell.
It is better to have something secure even if it is small than to have nothing or lose everything after a big insecure bet.
44. It sits like a mustache.
A way of saying that things fall into place.
45. Banging your head against a brick wall.
Talking about trying to do impossible things, but inclined towards the stubbornness of doing something that is not convenient.
46. The young may die, but the old are forced to.
A reference to death, which is inevitable in old age, although it can also knock on the door of the young.
47. Being with a mouth full of teeth.
Running out of words to say after a great impression. The same as 'being blank'.
48. Wanting to kill two flies with one blow.
Trying to conquer two things at the same time. It can go very well, but it can also go very wrong.
49. Better to have blown hard than to have a burned mouth.
It is better to have tried something, even if it did not turn out as expected, than to be left with the remorse of not having.
50. Fools get the best cards.
Sometimes planning hurts. That is why there are times when we have to let ourselves go with the flow.