Education, study and knowledge

Why study Gender Studies? 15 good reasons

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Gender Studies encompass a series of courses, degrees, masters... related to the gender perspective. For example, there is currently a degree (university degree) with that nomenclature in Spain. One of the public universities that offer this degree is the UAB (Autonomous University of Barcelona).

Before mentioning 15 good reasons to study this career, we are going to answer the following questions: what is gender studies? Where do they allow to work? Later, we will expose each of these 15 reasons, of very diverse origin.

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What is Gender Studies?

Gender Studies, as its name suggests, is focused on dealing with the gender perspective. The gender perspective, also known as the “gender approach”, includes the different mechanisms that allow studying how they have been culturally constructed (and socially) the categories of "male" and "female".

That is to say, how has that which identifies itself as masculine and that which identifies itself as feminine been constructed; This refers to clothing, accessories, professional itineraries, social categories, professions, objects, qualities, etc. This different categorization actually hides a real inequality between genders, which exists in all social classes and practically in all cultures of the world.

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Where do they allow you to work?

Gender Studies allow working in public or private institutions, companies, international organizations, associations, the media, etc., where the gender perspective is a central issue, to be developed and taken into account.

The title allows the design and implementation of equality plans in these institutions, as well as developing gender equality protocols, etc.

15 reasons to study Gender Studies

We are going to see 15 reasons to study Gender Studies, useful in case you are considering this option and you have doubts.

1. Novelty

Gender Studies encompasses a series of very new academic formations (whether official or unofficial), that is to say, that they have been in force for a short time.

This degree of novelty can arouse the interest of many students, since it is also related to the fact that the Gender Studies constitute a very current source of knowledge, that is, closely connected with the political and social environment of the moment. We will deal with this last reason in the next point.

2. Present

In other words, in addition to being a new set of knowledge, they are also very current. In other words, the current situation at the social and political level, whether in Spain or in so many other countries, is that of a situation of struggle against gender inequalities.

These inequalities can be dealt with through Gender Studies, which allow the design of action plans that eliminate said inequalities.

3. Vocation

Another reason to study these studies is vocation. The vocation is a passion that one feels inside in relation to some profession. If you feel that your vocation is gender studies, you have a very good reason to embark on this path.

4. Equality

Gender Studies promote values ​​such as equality and freedom of people, among others. Specifically, this equality that is promoted is between men and women. These values ​​are very positive for society, and can connect with the previous point (vocation).

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5. I respect

Another of the values ​​that this type of study promotes is respect for men and women, regardless of their sexual orientation or condition. If this value is part of our value system, we are also facing another reason to start Gender Studies.

6. Diversity of contents

The contents provided through Gender Studies are very diverse (either in degree, career ...).

Thus, they are treated topics of anthropology, language, sexuality, law, communication, identity, work, stereotypes, history, economy, education, family, etc. As we can see, they are topics belonging to many areas, which give this type of training a plus of interest.

7. Professional outings

Career opportunities are also diverse. As we have seen at the beginning, with Gender Studies (the specific degree), you can work in public or private companies, public or private organizations (linked to the economic and labor world, for example), public and social policy consultancies, international organizations (for example Red Cross, United Nations, NGOs ...), etc.

In other words, the fields of work are very diverse, since it is a very versatile career.

8. Help others

If your way of being involves helping others, this career (or related studies) can also be a good option, since it will allow you to implement projects that promote gender equality, including others.

Gender Studies - LGTBI Collectives

9. Deal with people (diverse groups)

Closely linked to the previous reason, we have the fact of dealing with people; This is another of the things that Gender Studies allows, depending on the work environment and / or the professional career we choose.

In addition, these studies allow working with very diverse groups, beyond "men or women" (for example the LGTBI + collective; lesbians, gays, transsexuals, bisexuals, intersexuals and others).

10. Type of job

The objective of Gender Studies, among others, is to train a person who learn to design and implement policies (and protocols) that promote greater equality between men and women. This can be done both in the public sphere (for example equality offices) and private (for example an educational center).

11. Empowerment of women

Gender Studies also empower women and promote their development as professionals. Empowerment implies that the person is aware of her power and her capacities to face everything that is proposed.

12. Evolution of rights

Another reason to study Gender Studies is that they allow you to know how they have evolved, historical level, the rights of men and women, which provides a global vision of the situation.

13. Promotes reflection

Due to its diverse themes, and the specific knowledge provided by this type of study, it can be said that we are before a source of reflection. That is, Gender Studies allow us to reflect on issues such as inequality, respect, laws, individual freedoms, etc.

14. Practical part

Another positive aspect of Gender Studies is that in addition to having a wide theoretical part, they also provide their part practice, which will allow the student to develop and learn methodologies for analyzing reality, creating protocols and policies, etc.

15. Investigation

Finally, another reason to study Gender Studies is that it also has its investigative scope, if you like research. That is, they will allow you to get started in this field so that you can acquire, promote and disseminate new knowledge related to the gender perspective and its inequalities.

Bibliographic references

  • De Barbieri, T. (1992): “On the category of gender. A theoretical-methodological introduction ”in ISIS International N ° 17, Santiago de Chile.

  • Scott, J.W. (1990). "Gender: a useful category for historical analysis", in J. Amelang and Mary Nash (comp.): History and gender: women in modern and contemporary Europe, Ed. Alfons el Magnanim, Barcelona.

  • University of Murcia. (2017). Why study (Master's Degree in Gender and Equality). Law School.
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