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Vero: the app that wants to unseat Facebook and Instagram

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Everyone is talking about a new app that has become the most downloaded in a matter of weeks, and that is taking many users to Facebook and Instagram. We are talking about Vero, the application that promises to be the best social network of all.

And since we know that you love keeping up with all the latest in lifestyle, this time we tell you all about the Vero application so that you are encouraged to try it. You yourself will decide if you stay with her or not.

What are the benefits of the new Vero app?

Well, the new Vero app is a social network that promises many new features and share some of the advantages of your favorite social networks: Facebook and Instagram. In the words of the Vero team: “We did not set out to create a revolutionary social network; only one that we wanted to use ”, and they add that they are a“ real ”social network.

That said, the basis of the Vero application is to change and redo the experience we live with social networks, becoming more than in a social network

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in "the new way of being sociable online", all this from giving back control of the networks to who really should have it: the user. Hence its name is Vero = true.

This is why even in the first weeks of launching the application they had some technical failures due to the growing demand. In any case, there are those who say that in reality the Vero application is not new and its launch was in 2015, but its boom is what has happened in the few months after 2018. Let's see its advantages.

Four different groups of contacts

In our contact lists of the social networks that we manage we have people with whom we love to share everything, others with whom we only want to share one thing or another and, of course, there is always some follower we have no idea who it is. Normal, that also happens in our daily life, where we have friends who are confidants and others who we prefer to know little about us.

For this, the Vero app offers us to classify our contacts into four groups: close friends, friends, acquaintances and followers. It is something like a very easy to use audience selector so that you decide who can see what you share.

All our interests collected in a single app

The Vero application allows us to share and collect everything that interests us and attracts us, in Vero's words, “to share the things we like, all the things we like”. This means that in the application you can share all kinds of content: photos, music, links, places of interest, books, movies, series and everything related to it.

Yes, in other social networks we could already do some of these things, but the Vero app makes sharing each topic super easy and organized because its interface is much simpler. Also, remember that here you control who sees what. And if that wasn't enough, you can also listen to music and buy from the same app.

No advertising and no algorithms

This is what we love the most about the Vero app and what makes it a social network very different from all the others: No advertising! Which means that there are no algorithms or data collection, so you are totally free. It is at this point that the Vero application returns control over social networks to us, the users.

The absence of advertising does not mean that you cannot follow brand or trend profiles. Just change that they will not be able to appear in your news and affect your timeline with advertisements.

By now you might be wondering how Vero thinks manage to stay ad-free. Well, in terms of the Vero app: "our users are our customers, not the product we sell to advertisers." For this reason they plan to start charging an annual subscription to their users that has yet to be defined.

Your appearance will enchant you

Vero is characterized by having simplified the experience to share publications, access services, use chat, etc. When you open the app you will find a simple image, not at all saturated and with very easy to use buttons. The gray and aquamarine colors used by the application give it a different look. The way the collections are organized makes the app visually more digestible.

In conclusion, this new app promises many changes in the way we use social networks, which could mean an improvement in this aspect for us, the users. Of course, you have the last word, and we'll see if in the future the Vero app manages to stay between us and compete with other social networks, so integrated in our life, as are Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

In any case, if you still have doubts about whether to take a look at it or not, the Vero application explains the most impressive thing about this social relationship in the following way: “once you has removed all advertising, cleaned the content and left control in the hands of users, you are free to be honest, open, provocative, obsessive and yourself.

So... Do you dare to try it?
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