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8 signs that your relationship is healthy

You have probably ever wondered if this or that aspect in your way of understanding things is an indicator of a healthy relationship.

Although each case is unique, there are common elements that exist between those who have known how to create a healthy and constructive bond. In the following article we will discuss some clues that will tell you if you are facing one of these cases.

8 Signs That Your Relationship Is Healthy

Check if these indicators are present in your way of understanding what a healthy relationship is:

1. Respect and trust as a starting point

Behold two of the essential pillars on which to build: trust and respect. They are basic and a sine qua non for a healthy relationship to occur, to the point that without them there is no love directly.

When, in a relationship, disrespect and unhealthy jealousy (to a greater or lesser degree) become part of the habitual of bonding, it is as if we were building a bridge that we will cross every day with materials that crumble with each tread; in the same way, the couple's relationship will break until it is destroyed.

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2. They dedicate quality time to be together

With the pace of life that we currently have where the time we have seems like the true bargaining chip, cultivating a healthy relationship is almost a feat. But of course it is possible!

As with everything that matters to us, dedication is key and the care of those ties that we have with the person we love is essential.

Therefore, when the number of hours we have in our day has to be divided into multiple plots to attend, with much more reason is necessary to strive to preserve that space to be together and ensure that the time invested is of quality.

Because when you come across a couple who take care of their relationship, you notice that every moment they share counts, and that they give it the value it has for them.

3. Laugh together often

Is it laughter that helps us to strengthen the bond with our partner or is it the strength of their bonds that leads to that state of joy?

Whatever the answer, what is clear is that couples who laugh together often have a common connection between them with which not all couples have.

Curiously, that complicity that connects the sense of humor between two people who love each other becomes an extension of the trust that is woven between the two of them.

4. Communication as an ally

Beyond simply speaking as a symptom of good functioning in the couple, good communication is shown as a wide diversity of ways to connect with each other.

The power of words is undoubted when they serve to bring us closer, but not always talking is the solution in case of conflict. Or at least not in any way.

Knowing and taking into account the rhythm of each of the members of the couple is essential; If we saturate our partner with a bombardment of information in a short time, he is probably not as receptive to deal with sensitive issues that if we keep in mind their ability to listen, if we try to be assertive or if the moment is suitable.

Finding that point of balance between the two is a true virtue. And it is not bad to have other ways of communicating also without words, such as our gestures, looks and even contact. There are looks and smiles that say more than a thousand words, and hugs that come these are not enough.

And in this sense, it is not difficult to intuit at first glance when we have before us a healthy relationship in terms of their way of communicating.

5. They pamper their relationship

If we discover that our relationship as a couple is something with a life of its own, with a beautiful identity beyond us and our partner, we will be faced with the evidence of creating something very valuable that is worthwhile keep. And if we come to this evidence, it is also time to consider taking care of it as if it were a living being.

Healthy relationships are not only dependent on each other, but also pay attention to caring for that bond. To do this, they also seek a way to make available to those beautiful ties everything that can help keep them connected with respect and trust.

6. Love from freedom

Leaving aside the relationships of convenience, when two people form a couple, they do so from the desire to be with each other. There are no obligations, but love mediating and a true desire to be two.

When we talk about a healthy relationship respecting each other's space is essential. Limiting your partner's freedom of action or controlling everything he does will only promote an uncomfortable coexistence climate for both of you and can be the beginning of the end between the two of you.

Instead, openly addressing the issues that may affect the boundaries of the couple will be a good way to settle clear bases between the two and so that the free action of each does not go beyond the lines of trust or respect mutual.

7. Discussions focused on finding the meeting point

Who says healthy couples don't argue? Of course they also do it, it is normal and even healthy, because it shows that no matter how well they may be between them, each one maintains his own identity and own way of thinking.

The difference in this sense between a healthy relationship and one that is not lies in the way of doing it: Insults or Low blows are out of the question, since neither are going to do anything positive, only to hurt the person who you love.

Instead, those differences of vision that focus on clarifying the other's point of view, enriching it with his contribution and seeking the solution to the conflict in a meeting point between the two, is a clear indicator that the relationship is working and very well.

And a plus: Those who start with themselves to improve things not only build positively, but also tend to infect their partner with their attitude. Who is winning? Both, of course.

8. They show their admiration for their partner

Don't we drool when we see that one of our friends naturally expresses openly and with the greatest naturalness in the world how much he loves something about his partner?

When you really love a person, you not only fill their way of being and let them know, but flows spontaneously share everything wonderful you see in it with the people around you.

Therefore, when you witness this type of gesture between two people who love each other, think that you are in a healthy relationship.

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