Education, study and knowledge

The best 11 Psychologists in Santiago de Querétaro

The Clinical Psychologist María de Jesús Gutiérrez Téllez She has a professional experience of more than 10 years and her intervention is aimed at children, adolescents, adults and also children with autism.

This professional has a Higher Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Universidad del Norte, a Diploma in Medical Sexology, another Diploma in Developmental Disorders, a third Diploma in Couple Breakup and a Specialty in Legal Psychology and Forensic.

Her main focus is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, with which she addresses cases of ADHD, disorders anxiety, depression, drug addiction, codependency, divorce processes and bipolar disorder.

María de Jesús Gutiérrez Tellez bases her work on commitment, responsibility and willingness, and her services are offered both in person and online.

The psychologist Eloisa Avilés Albertos She is a specialist in dealing with self-esteem problems, stress, cases of codependency and also emotional and relational problems.

This professional has Diplomas in Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming and also in Art Therapy.

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Her intervention is offered online and is based on individualization of the treatment at all times, taking into account the needs and specificities of the client.

The psychologist Amelia Margarita Feregrino Dorantes she is an expert in the field of couples and sexual health, an area that she will address from an integrative perspective based on Brief Therapy, one of the most used by professionals, with which you will obtain the best results.

There are many consultations that this professional attends both in person and online, among the main we highlight sexual dysfunctions of all kinds, disorders of sexual development and cases of depression.

The psychologist Laura Rocha Jauregui has more than 10 years of experience in which it has specialized in serving people of all ages, as well as couples and families who have any demand, offering their Online services with the greatest comforts for the querent.

There are many areas that this professional addresses, among the main queries we can find cases of severe depression, night terrors, bullying, and mental disorders learning.

The psychologist Luis Gilberto Pérez Ibarra she is specialized in attending to all ages through Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, with ample scientific evidence and based on modifying the person's current thoughts, thus changing their negative emotions and behaviors maladaptive.

Among the main intervention specialties of this therapist we can highlight depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

At the psychologist's office Marisol Carbajal Medrano We will find a professional specialized in offering tools and behavior guidelines so that the person can overcome her problems, all from a grassroots integrating perspective Cognitive-behavioral.

Her intervention is aimed at adult couples and families, being some of the main consultations that she addresses, eating disorders, generalized anxiety disorders and addictions.

The graduate Marina Villarreal She is an expert in offering a professional therapeutic intervention in adults and children from 5 years old, both in person and online, with all the guarantees.

Thus, some of the consultations for which we can go to the services of this psychologist are cases of post-traumatic stress, codependency, grieving processes and work stress.

The psychologist Alejandra Castro Parrales She has extensive experience serving people of all ages, as well as families and couples through a specialized approach to behavior modification.

Her main specialties are cases of depression in adolescents, aggression control problems, eating disorders and psychological child abuse.

The psychologist Ana Sanromán de Regil she offers comprehensive therapy to people of all ages, based on emotional intelligence and also offered telematically.

The consultations that this professional most commonly addresses are cases of depression, hysterical neurosis and cases of post-traumatic stress.

The psychologist Pablo Vazquez offers a professional intervention in adults of all ages, adapting her intervention to the particular characteristics of each case.

Cases of addictions, dependence on the partner and anxiety disorders are some of its main intervention specialties both in person and online.

The psychologist Veronica Caballero serves adults and couples through an integrative behavioral and systemic intervention specialized in sexual and couples therapy.

Sexual dysfunctions, cases of chronic depression and codependency are some of his professional intervention specialties.

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