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Catholicism and Christianity - Differences

Catholicism and Christianity - Differences

Throughout life we ​​find that sometimes we are asked questions that are somewhat deeper issues and that If you do not move or are not curious about this matter, we do not even stop to think, because they go unnoticed. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER, we will ask you one of those questions, the differences between Catholicism and ChristianityWell, many of you might think that it is the same, but no, there are differences, and our goal will be to explain them.

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  1. Is Catholicism and Christianity the same?
  2. Differences between Catholics and Christians
  3. Conclusions about the differences between Catholicism and Christianity

Is Catholicism and Christianity the same?

The first thing to be clear about in order not to create discrepancies is to know that the Catholicism becomes a fraction of Christianity, is like saying that every Catholic person is Christian, but not all Christian people are Catholic, because when we refer to the The word "Christian" can be referring to evangelicals, Anglicans, agnostics, Protestants, Mormons, Orthodox among many others more….

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There are so many existing religions and each one of them with such similar dogmas and with so few great differences that it often causes us to generate confusion. Also is true that there are many more similarities between the two more than differences, because as we have commented previously, to be a Catholic it is necessary to be a Christian, or what is the same, to believe in Christ, that is, both believe and admit Jesus as the Savior, as well as in the Holy Trinity.

Protestants are another branch that comes out of Christianity. In this other lesson from a TEACHER we discover a summary of the protestant reformation.

Catholicism and Christianity - Differences - Is Catholicism and Christianity the Same?

Differences between Catholics and Christians.

Here are some of the differences between Catholicism and Christianity most outstanding that exist and that basically lie above all in the ways of professing. They are as follows:

The Church and the Saints

Catholics believe in God through an organism that is what we know as the Church, but they also believe in the Saints and the Virgin who They act as intermediaries between God and people and that they worship thanks to the multiple representations of sculptures, instead Christians only believe in Christ, the only true God.

The seven sacraments

For Catholics there are seven sacraments, which are Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Priestly Orders, Confession and Anointing of the sick; but not all christians They accept the existence of the seven sacraments because it depends on whether you are orthodox, evangelical, Protestant, some do adjust, but others do not.

The virgin mary

Another difference between Catholicism and Christianity is that while Catholics believe in the Virgin Mary and in conceiving Jesus by the work of the Holy Spirit; Some Christians believe in Mary as the mother of Jesus, but they do not reach the point of having conceived Jesus by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit.

The Pope of Rome

Catholics believe in the Pope as the only spiritual leader descendants of Saint Peter the Apostle himself and instead some of the groups of the Christians, as the Orthodox and Protestants reject that authority.


For both Catholics and Christians after death depending on the behavior you have had in earthly life you will be rewarded with eternal salvation, paradise, or with eternal damnation, hell, without embargo, for Catholics there is a third place, purgatoryFor anyone who seeks forgiveness of his sins, on the other hand, for Christians, purgatory does not exist.

At the time of praying

Another difference, although not very important is the direction in which you prayFor while Catholics make them towards the Holy Sacrament, for Christians it is not necessary to pray in any specific direction.

Catholicism and Christianity - Differences - Differences between Catholics and Christians

Conclusions about the differences between Catholicism and Christianity.

For both Catholics and Christians the purpose is the same: love Christ, recognize God as our Lord, They are monotheistic because despite encompassing Father, Son and Holy Spirit, there is only one true God.

So the conclusion to this topic is based on the fact that, as we have already repeated on several occasions, within Christians there are various religious groups that there are discrepancies among themselves on issues related to the Bible, whether Jesus is God or is his son..., it is Furthermore, there are more differences within the group of Christians than between Christians and Catholics in Yes.

To finish by putting another example, both for Catholicism and Christianity have as references the sacred scriptures, that is, the Bible, made up of a collection of 73 books in total, 46 belong to the Old Testament and the remaining 27 to the New Testament. Within the group of Christians, evangelicals, for example, also use the Bible, but are also guided by what they read in books or Apocryphal Gospels.

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