Education, study and knowledge

The importance of choosing your university career well

At the end of the baccalaureate stage, it is when the opportunities and choices that they must assess for their immediate future begin to haunt the heads of young people: what to do: Study a university degree?, To work? To know the world?

It is a question that we have all asked ourselves at the end of our high school studies, and one that does not have an easy answer. That is why many people at this adolescent age have trouble deciding what to do with their lives from then on.

Choosing the right university studies: dilemma of many

Most young people are faced with your first big decision, what may cause some anxiety or feelings of distress given the importance of the choice and his short experience. On the other hand, many face this moment with a large dose of motivation.

Every case is a world

Obviously, it is interesting to individualize each personal case, since behind this first situation of choice there are circumstances that will affect it: the family, the socioeconomic context, the personality

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… Each person who has chosen to study has experienced a series of thoughts and stimuli that, in their overall calculation, have determined the choice for one or another career.

They usually experiment some family pressure to choose some careers to the detriment of others, as some are better valued to "be someone in life." It goes without saying that the final choice to study a particular career is not the crucial factor that tells us who "someone in life" is. The chosen career will determine the field of study in which the person will deepen in his next years, but the building an identity or a reputation will be achieved in other ways that integrate many facets of the person.

Between the illusion, the vocation and the family pressure

However, family and social pressure generate in young people the illusion of a future of recognition and social prestige which is reached through the effort and dedication of studying. This perception is wrong in many cases, and it is not a good basis for choosing one career over others.

It is not necessary to come from a strict and demanding family to experience these pressures when choosing a career, as there are many trials unconscious and mental representations that we internalize and that play a decisive role in any decision we make throughout our life. lifetime. Sometimes these unconscious judgments can start from irrational and limiting premises.

Choosing a university career: reasons, motives and fears

It is therefore essential to reflect on the reason for the choice, bearing in mind that it is important to prioritize those reasons that are based on personal enjoyment, and on intrinsic motivations. The pressure to find the vocation that will mark our lives often generates anxiety, but we must remember that the vocation is built, modulated and rebuilt permanently throughout life, and it is in very few cases in which the individual is very clear about his vocation from a young age.

Many students choose a university career without being very clear about what those studies are about, and finally they end up finding their vocation in this field. Some believe that they know well the contents of the university degree that they are preparing to study, and then they find something very different from what they thought. Others wander from race to race without finding their true passion. There are cases like people in this world, and it is for that reason that the first choice can be transcendental to start this season on the right foot. university stage.

Some conclusions

In summary, the university stage should not be lived as a race where we must run without stopping and without looking back, Rather, it is preferable to conceive it as a path through which one passes with a firm step, at the same time that we enjoy the scenery: enjoy the knowledge and experiences that allow us to live the university stage It is the key element to find the true vocation and enjoy the process.

As in many decisions we make throughout life, choosing one option or another can have a high component of arbitrariness. Sometimes we choose more with reason than with heart or vice versa, and only time will tell if we did well. In any case, to choose a university career the most sensible thing is to bet on those studies that truly attract us, heeding our intuition.

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