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The 8 best Psychologists in Lanzarote

The Psychologist and Coach Kande Diaz she is a specialist in offering a personal and professional guidance service aimed at adults, young people, adolescents and also professionals who want to improve in some aspect of their lives, both in person as online.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of La Laguna, this professional promotes personal growth processes in the client and also addresses self-esteem problems, anxiety and stress, relational deficits, problems in conflict management and conflicts relatives.

Her intervention integrates Positive Psychology together with Coaching and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, among other orientations, with the which also addresses the problems of infidelity, divorce, job search and problems related to motherhood and pregnancy.

The Health Psychologist Lara tormo She has a Degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the UB and a Specialist Degree in Person-Centered Orientation Psychotherapy.

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Her services are offered to people of all ages and also to couples, through the integrated application of various therapies of proven efficacy, among which are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness and Therapy Humanistic.

In addition, among his intervention specialties, eating disorders, stress, anxiety, cases of ADHD, relational problems, emotional problems and depression, all attended to both in person and on-line.

The Clinical Psychologist José Oriol Rojas Martín has to his credit a professional experience of more than 30 years and is a specialist in applying the most modern intervention methodologies together with the best techniques from Science Neurological.

Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​this professional is a specialist in caring for adults and also couples who may have personality disorders, anxiety and depression problems, stress, trauma or cases of gambling.

This professional offers an online and in-person psychotherapy service depending on the needs of each person served.

The Psychologist and Professional Counselor Enhamed Enhamed attends online to adolescents and also adults who may request its services, applying for each case those therapies of proven efficacy that best adapt to the needs the client's.

Throughout his career, this professional has specialized in resilience and personal growth and the main areas that he successfully addresses in her sessions are school difficulties, family conflicts, divorce processes, anxiety, depression and deficits in the management of go to.

Enhamed Enhamed has a degree in Psychology from the European University of Madrid, he has a Master's Degree in Internet Business from ISDI, another Master of Specialist in Coaching and Personal Development and a Mindfulness & Meditation Training Course Therapy.

The psychologist William Miatello He has more than 10 years of professional experience behind him and currently serves teenagers, young people, adults, the elderly and couples online.

Graduated in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba, this professional has a Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis from the University of Buenos Aires and she is a specialist in the joint application of Psychoanalytic Therapy along with other effective orientations, such as Family and Couples Therapy.

This professional is a specialist in attending to emotional, work and economic problems of all kinds, as well as relationship problems, cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, divorce processes or abuse of substances.

Saida Dorta She is a psychologist from the Lanzarote municipality of San Bartolomé, a city in which she offers both child-adolescent and adult psychology. She has a degree in Psychology from the University of La Laguna, and her areas of work are: clinical and health psychology, on the one hand, and the educational and supportive learning context, for the other.

This is a very good option for those who are interested in finding psychologists in San Bartolomé who base their work on cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Those who are looking for psychologists in Lanzarote who stand out for their versatility will find in Alicia López-Covarrubias an interesting option.

Alicia works both in individual therapy for patients of all ages and in couples, group and family therapy, as well as in school support in the learning processes of boys and girls. She has a degree in Psychology from CEU San Pablo University and a specialist in child psychology and family therapy. In its center it is also possible to find mediation and speech therapy services.

Another great option if we are looking for psychotherapy on the island of Lanzarote is Carlos Aldana.

With more than 15,000 sessions behind him, Aldana graduated in Psychology at the University of Salamanca, to later create its own psychological assistance center in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and also in Reef.

He is a very versatile psychologist, since he has extensive experience treating emotional and relational problems of all kinds.

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