10 signs a teenager has a mental disorder
We all know that the adolescence It is a stage of life full of changes and that, in many cases, problems and difficulties can arise.
Many teenagers have changes and alterations in their mood, in your body and in your daily behaviors and habits, but these are not the only factors that can explain the appearance of certain mental health problems.
Adolescence and mental disorders
Keep in mind that adolescents who have some type of mental health problem do not usually express their concern about it directly, with which it can be complex to become aware that something bad is happening to them.
As part of the biochemical alterations inseparable from this vital stage, adolescents often suffer severe changes in your mood, as well as the effects of social relationships volatile. It is at this time when we begin to disassociate ourselves from parental protection to start looking for links with friends of the same age, and welcoming references in other areas of life: teachers, television idols, musicians ...
A convulsive life stage
Although abrupt mood swings are quite common during adolescence, we must be vigilant, since can warn us of an underlying mental health problem. If these mood swings are extreme, with violent behaviors or frequent crying, we could be facing a case that requires professional intervention.
20% of adolescents, according to official figures, develop psychopathology. Most of them, moreover, debut before the age of fifteen, but are not referred to a professional from mental health until years later, when the problem may have taken hold and is more difficult to try.

The 10 signs that a teenager has a mental health problem
In the words of Dr. Aaron Krasner, a psychiatrist specializing in adolescent behavior and director of the Life Service from Silver Hill Hospital in New Cannan, Connecticut, explains:
“Only one in five adolescents with mental health problems is detected and referred to the appropriate professional (psychiatrist or psychologist) to treat their need. There are cultural elements that hold us back from providing the necessary help to adolescents, and we must improve this. "
One of the ways to improve the detection of behaviors, habits and specificities of young people that can warn us that they have a psychological disorder is to describe the 10 signs that can tell us that something is wrong.
1. Self-harm, suicide attempts, or self-destructive behaviors.
2. Frequent changes in your physical health, or appearance.
3. Aggression, frequent anger and poor impulse control.
4. New groups of friends not recommended.
5. Changes in your body weight.
6. Neglect of your personal hygiene.
7. Inability to cope with problems or daily activities.
8. Flirting with alcohol or other drugs.
9. Episodes of threats and problematic relationships.
10. Frequent nightmares
Other signs and observations to consider
There are also other signs that, although they are not conclusive, can make us see that the adolescent may be suffering from some complicated situation. For example, whether school performance or her behavior at home or at school has undergone a major change.
Another obvious sign is the depressive symptoms, especially when the mood and grief extend for more than three weeks. This can also go hand in hand with poor appetite, sleep disorders or problems and recurring thoughts about death, according to Krasner.
The importance of the family context
Always bear in mind that mental health problems during adolescence tend to negatively impact family dynamics, being able to provoke tensions between several of its members. It is vitally important that the family stick together and do what they can to improve the mood of the child. adolescent, both promoting good harmony at home and seeking professional help if circumstances require it. they need.
If you know a teenager who is having a bad time and has some of the symptoms and signs described above, keep your communication open with him and see a mental health professional.