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The best 12 Psychologists in Ourense

The psychologist Eva Nuñez She has extensive experience in professional intervention aimed at children, adolescents, adults and couples who request therapy in the online modality at an affordable price for all budgets.

His intervention is based on the comprehensive application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, one of which he presents greater scientific evidence, together with EMDR Therapy, used in cases of emotional distress and trauma psychological.

His sessions are offered in Spanish and Galician, and the main areas that he addresses in them are addictions, cases of depression, relationship problems, self-esteem deficits, sexual dysfunctions, trauma, and skill deficits social.

The psychologist Milagrosa Gutierrez attends in his consultation to anyone who needs his professional services to overcome situations of discomfort or suffering, as well as complicated life processes and obstacles of all kind.

His therapeutic modalities include Applied Psychology, Positive Psychology, a therapy widely used by professionals; and the Practical Philosophy, a method used to promote personal reflection, dialogue with the therapist and self-knowledge.

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Her intervention is based on favoring personal development processes with which the person assisted can overcome their problems and among her main specialties of intervention highlights anxiety disorders, deficits in coping skills, family and partner conflicts, self-esteem deficits and problems at work.

The psychologist Maria Teresa Pena She is a professional Collegiate by the Official College of Psychologists of Galicia and has a great experience serving adolescents and adults of all ages, in face-to-face sessions and telematics.

Her intervention integrates therapies of proven efficacy such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or Mindfulness, to serve in the best way it possible cases of alcoholism and drug addiction, substance abuse, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem and oppositional disorder challenging.

Graduated in Health Psychology from the National University of Distance Education, this professional also has a Training Course in Emotion Management from the same Institution.

The Qualified Health Psychologist Pablo Rodriguez Fernandez She has more than 30 years of professional experience and in her consultation she attends to children, adolescents and adults of all ages, both in person and remotely.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela, this professional is a specialist in applying the Cognitive-behavioral therapy, one of the most used by professionals, to attend to any type of disorder.

Its main specialties include anxiety and depression disorders, behavior problems, low self-esteem, sexual abuse, suicidal thoughts, and problems related to child custody or abuse childish.

Rosa Maria Feijóo She has a degree in Psychology and attends both young people such as children and adolescents as well as adults and the elderly.

She is one of the best therapists that we can find in Ourense if we need help for problems of anxiety, depression, high stress and addictive disorders. In addition, she is also an expert in family and relationship conflicts caused by lack of self-esteem and the inability to manage anger. She is also a specialist in school difficulties and learning disorders.

Iris González Martínez She is another of the most recommended psychologists that we can find in the city of Ourense.

She graduated from the University of Santiago de Compostela with a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2013 and has a Master's degree in Legal Psychology applied to civil and criminal courts. In addition, this psychologist has also taken other training courses, among which the intervention to women victims of gender violence, that of Spanish sign language and that of care specialist early.

Iris González is an expert when it comes to treating adolescent adults who suffer from mental disorders such as behavior, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, psychological trauma in children, language disorders or anxiety.

Concepción Cendón She is one of the best psychologists that we can find in the city of Ourense due to her experience and training.

She graduated in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education in 1999 and later studied three master's degrees, one in Early Care, another in Child-Adolescent Psychology and another in Clinical Psychology Cognitive-Behavioral. Thanks to this deep training and 20 years of experience in the field of mental health, Concepción Cendón is an expert when it comes to treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Conduct Disorders and Mental Disorders learning.

Maria Padilla Pereira She is another of the best psychologists that we can find in this city due to her training and experience.

María Padilla Pereira graduated in clinical-oriented psychology and later took a master's degree in Legal Psychology and another in Family Intervention, in addition to having also trained in mistreatment and gender violence, in occupational risk prevention, in disability assessment and in the development of psychoeducational intervention programs with children and teenagers.

Thanks to her experience in the field of mental health, María Padilla is an expert when it comes to treating people with anxiety and depression disorders, personality disorders, attention deficit disorders hyperactivity It is also interesting to know that she offers group dynamics to companies to enhance emotional skills.

Hermitages Acevedo It is another of our best options if we look for a mental health professional in Ourense.

After graduating in Psychology, this psychologist completed a postgraduate degree in Human Resources Management at the University of Barcelona and has trained also as a therapist and family mediator, in addition to being an expert in psychological care for women who suffer or have suffered violence from gender.

Ermitas Acevedo may be one of our best options if we seek psychotherapy for mental disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, learning disorders, anxiety disorders, or stressful or grieving situations dear.

On Calle Doctor Fleming we can find another of the most recommended mental health professionals in Ourense.

Roberto Tear he graduated in Psychology and later completed a Master's Degree in Behavior Therapy and a Master's Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology. Thanks to his training, Roberto Tear is an expert in treating both children and adolescents, as well as adults and the elderly.

Among the mental disorders to which this psychologist offers solutions are hyperactivity and deficit disorder. attention, impulse control disorder, anxiety disorders, and sexual dysfunctions that can lead to moments of crisis as a couple. It is for this reason that Roberto Tear is also an expert in couple therapy.

David Troncoso Pereira He is another of the most recommended psychologists that we find in the city of Ourense both for his training and experience.

David Troncoso graduated in Clinical-oriented Psychology, specializing in education, in addition to pursuing a Master's degree in Child-Adolescent Psychology. He is also an expert in psychoeducational interventions and community outings and in therapy for people with autism spectrum disorder.

Thanks to this training, David Troncoso is an expert in offering psychotherapy to children and adolescents who suffer from anxiety disorders, low self-esteem problems, irrational fears or conduct.

In his private office on Rúa Concejo street we find another of the most recommended psychologists in the city of Ourense, Tamara sands.

Tamara Arenas graduated in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela and later studied the official master's degree in Nutrition from the University of Vigo and the master's degree in General Health Psychology from the International University of Valencia. Thanks to this training, Tamara Arenas is an expert when it comes to treating people with problems with eating disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders or disorders from pain.

It is interesting to know that Tamara Arenas also offers psychotherapy for people who suffer from irrational fears or phobias.

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