Education, study and knowledge

The 7 best Couples Therapy Centers in Lanzarote

The psychologist Kande Diaz He graduated from the University of La Laguna and is currently one of the most outstanding in couples therapy in Lanzarote, whose services are offered both in person and through distance.

His intervention modality is integrative and is based on the joint application of therapies of proven efficacy such as Mindfulness, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy or Psychology Positive.

Regarding the main specialties of his intervention, the problems in maternity, the relationship difficulties, stress, codependency, infidelity, low self-esteem, and conflict relatives.

Raul Segura he is one of the best psychologists you can find in Lanzarote if what you are looking for is couples therapy. His office is in the city of Arrecife.

He has a master's degree in Brief Strategic Therapy that he completed in 2008, and from his experience, Raúl is able to give therapy to a wide variety of patients. mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, sexual dysfunctions and of course, relationship problems and crisis matrimonial

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The psychologist Carlos Aldana She has an experience of more than 20 years and in her consultation she offers a psychological care service specialized in solve any type of problem that the couple cannot solve on their own, as well as in attending many other areas of intervention.

Her work is characterized by continuous training and constant updating of therapies and psychological techniques, as well as adapting at all times to the needs of the couple.

Thus, her main specialties are communication problems, jealousy, emotional dependence, mediation in divorce processes and addictions.

Located in San Bartolomé, Saida Dorta She is another of the best psychologists you can find on this island in the archipelago of the Canary Islands.

She graduated in psychology at the University of La Laguna and is a very versatile professional, being able to give therapy to a wide variety of psychological problems such as anxiety disorders, depression and partner. In addition, her treatment is based on the recognized cognitive-behavioral therapy.

  • You may be interested; "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: what is it and on what principles is it based?"

Alicia López-Covarrubias She is another great option if you are looking for couples therapy in Lanzarote.

This versatile psychologist is capable of providing therapy to both groups and individuals of all ages. She graduated in Psychology from CEU San Pablo University and later specialized in child psychology and family therapy.

In addition to offering counseling for couples in crisis situations, this therapist is also able to provide mediation and speech therapy services.

Valentina Correal Guzman be part of the team of PsicoClinic Lanzarote, psychotherapy and psychiatry center located on Rambla Medular street.

She is a Psychologist specialized in the clinical field and in the processes of family mediation and Social Intervention. It can be a very important support when the conflicts of the couple also affect the sons or daughters in their first years of life, a particularly vulnerable stage.

In the professional psychology center Guacimara Hernandez Santana she offers a psychological care service specialized in Couples Therapy, where all kinds of problems and queries in this area are attended to.

Her intervention is characterized by adapting the therapies to each particular case and some of the main areas of action of the center are the communication and coexistence problems, grieving processes, expert reports, family mediation and guidance in raising children children.

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