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The best 11 Psychologists in Mairena del Aljarafe

The center Fromm Wellness has the best psychologists in Mairena del Aljarafe. In this center specialized in the detoxification of all kinds of substances, patients who wish to receive treatment will find a safe, trustworthy and appropriate space for their needs, depending on the type of therapy that need.

A large multidisciplinary team of professionals with extensive training and experience offer a therapy at the Fromm Bienestar center. individualized in each patient, taking into account the nature of the addiction and the needs of the patient, that is why therapy can be individual or in group.

Some of the addictive disorders that are treated at the Fromm Bienestar center are: alcohol addiction, cocaine and all kinds of drugs in general, sex, gambling, gambling and new technologies.

The General Health Psychologist Francisco Hidalgo He graduated in Psychology from the University of Seville, has a Master's Degree in Family Mediation and Intervention, a Master in Psychological Expertise and Forensic Psychology, and also has a Postgraduate Degree in Conflict Resolution Labor.

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His intervention is offered online with all possible comforts and in his sessions he integrates various therapies of proven efficacy, including EMDR Therapy, the cognitive-behavioral approach or Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in serving people of all ages who may present cases alcoholism, substance abuse, behavior problems, anxiety, depression, trauma and cases of infidelity.

The psychologist Laura Mendez Corredera is specialized in the treatment of addictions in children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. This psychology uses the most innovative psychological techniques and also the classic ones to achieve a professional, efficient and satisfactory therapy for the client.

Among the addictive disorders that this professional treats in her consultation, we highlight, in the first place: addiction to tobacco, cocaine, alcohol, heroin, cannabis, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, and designer drugs.

As for social addictions, the most commonly treated by this psychologist are: addiction to shopping, games and new technologies, internet addiction and addiction to gambling and bets.

The psychologist Mariola Moreno Quesada She is a specialist in Neuropsychology, personal development processes and her intervention is offered to children, adolescents, adults and couples, both in face-to-face and remote sessions.

Her intervention is cognitive-behavioral based and integrates different therapies of proven efficacy such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or Mindfulness, with the which treats anxiety and impulsivity, depression, sexual identity disorders, cases of domestic violence, and deficits in coping skills. coping.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Seville, this therapist has a Master's Degree in Neurosurgery and Biology of the Behavior, another Master in Coaching and Conflict Resolution and also with a First Aid Training Course in Psychology.

Lorena Ruiz Arroyo placeholder image She is a clinical psychologist, an expert in the treatment of addictions and one of the best psychologists in Mairena de Aljarafe. Throughout her career, she has worked in different therapy centers where she has gained experience in Services Social Community with people of all kinds, especially at risk of social exclusion and drug addiction several. She is part of the Fromm Bienestar team.

Both her university training and her experience when working in different private companies have also provided This professional with a great knowledge of the field of human resources, occupational risk prevention, management and direction.

Some of the disorders or problems, mainly related to the field of addictions, of which she is a professional expert are: addiction to alcohol, cocaine and all kinds of drugs, drug addiction, addiction to new technologies and food.

Another great option is Susana Rodriguez Vargas. This psychologist is an expert in the treatment of eating disorders and addictions. Some of the techniques that she masters in treating her, to obtain the best results, are: cognitive neurostimulation, mindfulness and TTR therapy.

Among the disorders that this professional treats in her consultation, we can highlight: depression and anxiety, addiction and alcohol abuse, drug addiction, personality disorders, sex addiction and disorders sexual.

The psychologist Diego Ruiz Curiel placeholder image, is part of the professional team of the Sevilla Addiction Center and is an expert in cognitive-behavioral therapy, humanistic therapy, psychoanalysis. Throughout her career, she has combined psychological therapy with teaching.

Among the disorders that this professional treats in his workplace, we can highlight: alcohol addiction to drugs all kinds, addiction to the internet, cell phones and new technologies, gambling, gambling and all kinds of drug addiction.

The psychologist Dolores Navarro Porrero placeholder image She is one of the therapists at the INEA addiction center in Seville.

This professional is specialized in the treatment of all kinds of additions, among the most common, we highlight: addiction to alcohol and drugs, addiction to gambling, new technologies, sex and dependency emotional.

The psychologist Mar Galisteo she is an expert in the psychological treatment of children, adolescents and adults.

Among the main addictions that she treats in her consultation we find alcohol abuse and addiction disorder, addiction to all types of drugs and drug dependence.

The psychologist Nuria Quintana She offers psychological treatment to patients of all ages, both in the treatment of anxiety and any other disorders.

Among the types of anxiety that she treats, we can highlight: addiction to sex, video games and new technologies and all kinds of drugs.

A highly valued psychologist in the province of Seville is José Luis Sánchez de Cueto.

This psychologist is an expert in sexual and relationship disorders. The psychological technique present in her therapy is EMDR therapy, and among her main specialties we find sex addiction, sexual dysfunctions, anxiety and depression.

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