Education, study and knowledge

The 11 best experts in Labor and Professional Coaching in Palma

Elena Tecglen She is an expert in Integral Life Coach and throughout her career she has specialized in serving adolescents and adults who may have some type of demand or consultation in the work or professional field, both in the face-to-face and through distance.

Her main intervention specialties are job orientation, difficulties in job performance, prioritization of objectives and decision-making. making decisions, enhancing communication skills, low self-esteem, managing anxiety, stress and achieving goals professionals.

The psychologist Esther Julia she is a specialist in providing a Labor and Professional Coaching service in the city and its Services are offered both in person and online with all the comforts possible.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Les Illes Balears, this professional has a Master's degree she in Sports Psychology from UNED and she also has a Master's Degree in Coaching and Mentoring from the JOIN.

Her intervention integrates various therapies of proven efficacy in order to successfully address work problems, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, personal development processes, stress, addictions and abuse of substances.

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Silvia Fisas She is an expert psychologist in the care of emotional management of people of all ages, and attends in person and in person.

This professional works from the cognitive-behavioral model, relaxation techniques, Virtual Reality, Mindfulness and many other useful resources with which you can learn to better manage anxiety and adopt more work habits efficient.

The psychologist Eva Maria Beteta is a specialist in working in areas such as coaching, leadership management, motivation, skills social, and in general any type of consultation related to labor and professional problems.

Graduated in Psychology with a Mention in Clinical Intervention in Mental and Behavioral Disorders, this professional also has a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, a Training Course in Emotional Intelligence at Work and another Training Course in Legal and Forensic Psychology.

The psychologist Alba Garcia She is a specialist in Personal and Executive Coaching, as well as Nutritional Coaching and Work Psychology, in sessions offered both in person and remotely.

Graduated in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, this professional has a Master's degree in Dialogical Coaching from Francisco de Vitoria University, a Master in Energy Psychology and a Certification in Emotional Intelligence and Enneagram.

In addition to that, her intervention is aimed at adolescents and adults of all ages and some of her specialties are anxiety disorders, difficulty in job performance, self-esteem issues, workplace bullying, post-traumatic stress disorder, addictions, and crises vital.

The therapist Sandra Donadeu she has a professional experience of more than 15 years in executive positions of responsibility and of more than 12 years she as an expert in Personal and Executive Coaching, of which she is certified by the International Coach Federation.

Her intervention is based on the integration of Coaching and Gestalt Therapy and some of the main areas in which she intervenes are the management and development of work teams, recognition and empowerment of talent, leadership, enhancement of personal brand and improvement of communication and relationships personal.

The psychologist and coach Lola Wardrobe She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, she has a Master's degree in Psychological Treatment of Disorders Food and obesity by the UNED and an Expert Master in Business and Executive Coaching by Leeds Beckett University.

As a specialist in Business and Executive Coaching, this professional is capable of solving any type of doubt or query in this area, being her main specialties: stress and job fears, lack of confidence, time management, empowerment of talent and self-knowledge.

His intervention is also offered in the online mode and the main tools that this professional applies in his sessions to obtain The best possible results are, in addition to Coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming and different psychological therapies of proven efficacy.

The Clinical Psychologist Maite Garcia Soriano She graduated in Psychology from the University of Valencia, has a Professional Master's Degree in Neuropsychology and is also an expert in Coaching and Certified in Executive Coaching.

As a member of the team of professionals at the Psico Coach center, Maite García Soriano is a specialist in offering a service of quality to people and organizations that may request it, both in the field of professional coaching, as well as personal, team and executive.

Likewise, among the different areas of intervention of the professional Maite García Soriano, the improvement in interpersonal relationships, the improvement of teamwork, leadership development, correct management of changes and increased satisfaction in the employees of the business.

The professional Marian buján is a specialist in Neurolinguistic Programming, Personal Coaching, Executive Coaching and Motivational Coaching.

Their intervention is based on favoring the development of all kinds of transversal skills in managers, department heads or heads of human teams, being his specialties, leadership, time and conflict management, team management, communication and meeting management and the management of the stress.

The professional Esteban Cuéllar Hansen He is a specialist in Neuro-Linguistic Coaching and Programming since 2003 and throughout his career he has been trained in Corporate Coaching and Sports Coaching.

His intervention is aimed at corporations, executives and entrepreneurs who want to improve a certain aspect, some of their major specialties, leadership training, improving public speaking, interpersonal communication, goal setting and management emotional.

The psychologist Rodrigo Martínez Sánchez He has a degree in Psychology from UNED, Personal Coaching, Executive and expert in Team Coaching.

His intervention integrates Coaching with Gestalt Therapy and is aimed at people, executives and teams who have any type of query or need.

Among the main specialties of intervention of this professional can be highlighted the enhancement of creative resources and client's decision-making processes, personal and professional development processes, favoring self-efficacy and goal setting concrete.

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