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10 most important Greek HEROES

Most important Greek heroes

The Greek mythology it was a set of many myths and legends that for many years characterized a civilization as important as Ancient Greece. Within these beliefs one of the most important elements were the heroes, being characters of different origin that thanks to his abilities were able to perform great feats and participate in the myths. To get to know these characters in depth, in this lesson from a TEACHER we must talk about most important Greek heroes.

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  1. What are Greek heroes and their characteristics
  2. Greek heroes descended from gods
  3. Other important Greek heroes

What are Greek heroes and their characteristics.

The greek heroes they were a series of characters from the ancient greek mythology characterized by performing great feats in myths and legends, being capable of great journeys, defeat monsters or even face the dangers created by gods who weren't always at your fingertips. favor.

It is generally thought that heroes were descendants of the gods, being common to confuse the concept of

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demigod and the Greek hero, but the reality is that the vast majority of heroes they were not children or grandchildren of the gods, being only some of the main and best known heroes those who came from these lines.

The relevance of heroes in Greek beliefs is demonstrated when a large part of the history of Ancient Greece is known as Age of Heroes, being the entire period in the history of Greek humanity.

Characteristics of Greek heroes

The characters of this era are characterized by a series of elements typical of Greek heroes, some of them being the following:

  • Intelligence to solve puzzles.
  • Brave and with values ​​out of the ordinary.
  • Many go into exile to learn something.
  • They usually face or have divine help.
  • They must pass divine tests.
  • They found cities.
  • They have a supernatural and often tragic ending.
Most important Greek heroes - What are Greek heroes and their characteristics

Greek heroes descended from gods.

An element that usually characterizes many of the Greek heroes is that they are descendants of deities of the greek pantheon, caused this at the same time that they have abilities above normal, but also that they can have good or bad relationships with the Greek deities.


Son of Zeus and Alcmena is possibly the best known and most represented Greek hero throughout the history of mankind. His great feats, among which are the well-known 12 tests, make him the hero who in more myths participated and therefore the quintessential demigod being, after his death, become God.


Son of Zeus and Danae is a Greek demigod and hero responsible for the founding of Mycenae. Among his main feats are defeating the monster known as Medusa that he could turn to stone with his gaze, and saving Princess Andromeda from the hands of the sea monster Cetus.


Although in some sources he is named as the son of mortals, most writings speak of him as the son of Poseidon and therefore as a demigod. Among his greatest feats we find the founding of Athens and the myth about his fight against the Minotaur, he being in charge of murdering the monster that devastated Crete.

Castor and Pollux

Children of Zeus and Leda, and therefore brothers of the well-known Helen of Troy. Among his major feats are traveling with Jason and his Argonauts and rescuing Helena from Theseus' hands.

Most important Greek heroes - Greek heroes descended from gods

Other important Greek heroes.

To continue with this lesson on the most important Greek heroes we must talk about the main heroes who did not come from an immortal lineage, not being descendants of gods nor of any kind of supernatural power.

These are usually the heroes who star in the greek myths and legends, being characters that with only their talent and ability are capable of great feats, without being their original gifts of any god.


Hero of the trojan war and one of the most powerful men in Greek beliefs. It is said that his entire body was perfect and powerful except his heel, being in this where he he found his weakness, and being a poisoned arrow that he ended up killing by hitting him right in the heel of him. His participation in Greek myths was always seen by adversaries as a certain defeat.

Jason and the Argonauts

Jason and the Argonauts were Greek heroes who made a journey in search of the Golden Fleece, their journey being narrated in numerous sources and even being adapted to the cinema. During his journey they faced dangers such as mermaids, demonstrating their great ability to be able not to be fooled by them.


Odysseus or Odysseus was a Greek hero who starred in the Odyssey and had an important role in the Iliad. Although his interventions in myths are very numerous, the most relevant legend of him is that of his return to his house in the Odyssey. His important role in Greek beliefs are largely based on participating in the best known stories from all Hellenistic sources.


Prince of Troy was in charge of protecting the city walls during the Trojan War. Considered by many to be the best soldier and greatest hero of Troy, he was killed in battle by Achilles, a story that deserves to be told.

The epigones

A series of Greek heroes who fought and died in the Theban wars. Both their ancestors and they are of great importance in the history of Thebes because without their decisive role the fate of the Greek city would not have been the same.

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  • Graves, R., & Serrat, C. (1999). Gods and heroes of ancient Greece. Millenium.
  • Gual, C. G. (1981). Myths, travels, heroes (Vol. 187). Taurus.
  • Shua, A. M., & Falcone, F. (2011). Gods and heroes of Greek mythology. Alfaguara.
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