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The 10 best Perinatal Psychologists in Madrid Centro

The clinical psychologist Amaya Gómez Calvo she has extensive experience in dealing with children of all ages, as well as their families, from a systemic perspective and taking into account the family, school and social reality together, to address any type of problem in the boy.

Thus, the main specialties of intervention of this professional of perinatal psychology are disorders due to deficit attention and hyperactivity, bullying, toilet training problems and relationship problems with groups of equal.

The General Health Psychologist Monica Jimenez she is an expert in the perinatal and child areas, in which she will address all kinds of problems using Neuro-Linguistic Programming Therapy and clinical hypnosis to obtain the best results.

You can go to the psychological center of this professional if you are interested in leaving your case in the hands of a psychologist specializing in anxiety disorders, attachment problems, and trauma.

At the psychologist's office Rachel Huéscar We will also find a professional specialized in all areas of perinatal psychology, where we can go to consult any question we have, from the conception of the child to the first years of lifetime.

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So, if you are interested in starting a therapy in this area, go with confidence to the services of this psychologist, whose intervention she is specialized in addressing cases of childhood fears or phobias, relationship problems with children and sleep problems or feeding.

The psychologist Maria Saiz Rivera She is also an expert in perinatal psychology, as well as in Family and Couples Therapy, fields in which it addresses all kinds of problems in the child through a therapy of the type systemic.

Some of the main intervention specialties that we will find in her consultation are the cases of adoption, lack of social skills, problems arising from motherhood and the creation of links.

At the psychologist's office Cecilia Ojer We will also find an expert professional in the fields of children and adolescents, as well as in families, applying the therapies that best suit each particular case.

There are many intervention specialties of this psychologist, among which we highlight the eating disorders, deficits in school performance and deficits in the control of sphincters.

The psychologist Esther ortega She is an expert in identifying symptoms of discomfort in children through playful activities of game and also in providing tools for it to overcome the problems of any area of ​​its lifetime.

Thus, the main intervention specialties of this therapist are, among others, self-esteem problems, conduct disorders, anxiety disorders and phobias.

The psychologist Sara blanes offers a professional psychological care service specialized in the child-adolescent field and also in early care.

Behavioral problems, communication difficulties, and gross and fine motor assessment are some of her main therapy specialties.

The psychologist Alba Mª García Rasero serves children and adolescents with problems in all possible areas, both behavioral, cognitive and emotional.

Learning disorders, bullying, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and high abilities are some of her specialties.

The psychologist Mª José González She is an expert in the family and perinatal environment, where she will address all the problems derived from motherhood in fathers and mothers.

Thus, she comes to her office to address cases of depression during pregnancy, postpartum depression or cases of abortion.

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