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The 7 types of neurodevelopmental disorders (and symptoms)

When we think of mental disorders or problems, it is easy for problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or phobias to come to mind. ADHD or autism. Next we will review what are the types of neurodevelopmental disorders, the category to which they belong.

  • You may be interested: "The 15 most common neurological disorders"

Neurodevelopmental disorders

Neurodevelopmental disorders or neurodevelopmental disorders are the group of mental disorders and difficulties that have their origin in a non-neurotypic development of the brain or in the presence of alterations or lesions in its maturation.

They therefore have their origin in early childhood or during the development process, and the first symptoms can generally be detected early.

The alterations caused by these disorders generate difficulties of varying intensity in the process of adaptation and social participation and / or in carrying out basic activities for the survival. Subject's activity is limited or impaired with respect to what would be usual in other subjects with the same age and conditions.

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Types of neurodevelopmental disorders in DSM-5

The neurodevelopmental disorders label encompasses a large number of disorders that share the same aforementioned characteristics, although they present remarkable differences between them according to the aspects that are are affected.

Next we are going to observe the main groups of neurodevelopmental disorders covered by the latest version of one of the most important reference manuals, the DSM-5. For ease of understanding, substance use disorders or medical illnesses are not included.

1. Intellectual disabilities

Intellectual disability is considered one of the neurodevelopmental disorders, due to deficiencies or difficulties in intellectual functions. and in adaptive behavior in its conceptual, practical or social aspects, which have as a consequence a possible limitation of the subject's functioning in and one or more vital areas unless they have specific support.

Also included in this group is global developmental delay, which is diagnosed when it is not possible to assess the severity of the disorder in children under five years of age, despite not meeting developmental milestones expected. This diagnosis is provisional.

  • Related article: "Intellectual and developmental disability"

2. Communication disorders

Communication disorders are those neurodevelopmental disorders in which the subject unable to communicate properly or learn to do it despite having sufficient mental capacities to do it.

Within this group of disorders we find language disorder (old SLI), phonological disorder, Pragmatic communication disorder or stuttering or speech fluency disorder of onset in childhood.

3. Autism spectrum disorder

Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by difficulties in interpersonal communication and interaction, behavior patterns, and repetitive and restrictive interests. Those who suffer from it have difficulties in understanding the rules that govern social interactions and in capturing and expressing feelings, they usually have a literal oral language and it is difficult for them to grasp subtleties and figurative uses of it, present preference and need for routine and monotony and accept changes badly.

Although different disorders within this spectrum were previously distinguished, such as Kanner and Asperger type autism, currently it is considered a single disorder that encompasses them (albeit with specifiers).

  • Related article: "The 4 types of Autism and their characteristics"

4. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Another of the most well-known neurodevelopmental disorders, ADHD is a disorder characterized by the presence of typical symptoms of intention (such as difficulty in maintaining attention, committing errors due to lack of is, high distraction, non-completion of tasks, loss and forgetting of objects and activities, mental absence…) And / or hyperactivity (talks excessively, motor restlessness, has difficulties to remain seated or to take turns, interrupts other people's activities…).

Symptoms of intention, hyperactivity, or a mixed presentation may predominate.

It is also possible to find cases in which there are no cases of hyperactivity but only of intention, which is now called attention deficit disorder or ADD.

  • You may be interested: "Attention deficit or selective attention in ADHD"

5. Specific learning disorder

A specific learning disorder is understood to be one in which the subject manifests difficulties in the acquisition and use of academic skills, such as reading, writing and math.

The individual has difficulties when it comes to reading, interpreting and using language (he has problems with, for example, grammar and spelling) and / or mathematical concepts. These difficulties are above what is expected for someone of the age and intellectual capacity of the subjects, interfering with their academic activity.

6. Motor disorders

Another large group of neurodevelopmental disorders are motor, in which there are difficulties in aspects related to movement such as coordination or movements occur involuntary.

Within these disorders we find the disorder of the development of coordination, stereotyped movement and tic disorders. In this last group we find Tourette's disorder, along with persistent motor or vocal tics and transient tics.

7. Others

This label is used in those disorders linked to neurodevelopmental alterations that cause an affectation of the subject in one or more vital areas, but who do not meet the diagnostic criteria of any of the previous groups of disorders.

For example, those disorders linked to substance use by the mother during pregnancy, or in those cases in which there is not enough information to classify the disorder in question.

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