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Differences between organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry

The human being, like everything we know, is composed of matter. The study of this composition is the main objective of the branch of science known as chemistry. This has traditionally distinguished between organic and inorganic matter, which has originated that there are two specializations in this science, each dedicated to one of the two types of matter.

But, What are the differences between organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry? In this article we try to answer this question.

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Chemistry: its field of study

We call chemistry the scientific discipline whose object of study is the composition and structure of matter and is in charge of investigating and analyzing the reactions that are generated during the interaction between the different elements.

This discipline is of great importance and is considered one of the main ones within the so-called natural sciences, starting with many other sciences. What's more allows not only theoretical knowledge but also the use and practical application of said information

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in the creation of new materials and substances.

Within chemistry we can find different specialties, one of the first and best known being the division between organic and inorganic chemistry. While the first is in charge of the study of those elements that are part of living beings, the second refers to the study of the rest of the elements.

Differences between organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry

Despite the fact that organic and inorganic chemistry are closely related, they present some differences. Next we will see the main differences between both types of chemistry.

1. Types of compound you work with

The main and most marked difference between organic and inorganic chemistry is found in the type of compounds with which each one works.

Organic chemistry works with all those components whose structure is based or in which carbon appears and their interactions with other substances or elements (especially hydrogen and oxygen, as well as nitrogen). Namely, on the chemical bases of the matter that configures living beings (Life as we know it is based on carbon and its derivatives).

With regard to inorganic chemistry, it works with all those compounds that do not contain carbon (with the except for some compounds such as carbon dioxide), their structure and properties and their interactions with others components.

2. Type of bonds between molecules

Another differential element between the two is the type of bond between molecules that is usually observed in each one. In organic chemistry it is very common that they are covalent bonds, while in organic the ionic bond prevails.

3. Chemical reactions that contemplate

This difference is derived from the previous ones: although similar chemical reactions are observed in both branches or that act under the same principles, each of them has reactions in which there is a tendency to specialize. In inorganic chemistry processes such as oxidation, crystallization, endo and exothermic reactions are explored and electrical conduction while in organic we find reactions such as combustion, fermentation, hydrogenation and photochemistry.

4. Fundamental research area

Chemistry investigations, both organic and inorganic, have allowed obtaining a deep understanding of the functioning and behavior of matter.

While organic chemistry allows the knowledge of the structure of biological material and how it is affected by the interaction with other compounds (which allows evaluate, for example, the effect of drugs), inorganic chemistry allows the knowledge of the structure and characteristics of non-living material and the realization of different compounds in such a way that new materials can be created.

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Two very similar plots of science

These are some of the main differences between organic and inorganic chemistry, the most being The type of matter that is studied and analyzed and the possible applications that can be extracted from each. The type of bond between atoms can be different and the reactions each one specializes in tends to differ slightly.

Despite this, the truth is that both allow us to explain the behavior of matter and its constitution with very similar bases and often overlap.

Although it seems clear that organic can be used for the preparation of medicines and products with a direct effect on our body as drugs or food and the inorganic for the elaboration of materials and uses more related to the industry. Likewise, it is still true that from inorganic chemistry we also work with elements applicable in medicine and that from the organic one can be explained and produced different materials and analyze different elements that can be derived from areas such as construction.

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