Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Portugalete

Haizea Galván Cabello She is a Graduate in Psychology from Deusto University, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, and she has also she completed a Master in Clinical Neuropsychology, being an excellent specialist in the field of stimulation cognitive.

Throughout his professional career, he has specialized in psychotherapy, in the treatment of anxiety, depression and stress disorders, in situations of low self-esteem, and for different types of phobias like agoraphobia.

Pilar Garay She is a renowned resident psychologist in Portugalete who specializes in child and adolescent clinical psychology, and in the field of psychopedagogy, speech therapy, and early care.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most during all these years are anxiety, depression and stress disorders, addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, and people in situations of low self-esteem, among others.

Izaera Psychology is a recognized center located near Portugalete where you can find an excellent team of professionals in the field of psychology and mental health, which will help you with the treatment of all those problems related to depression, obsessive thoughts, phobias and problems emotional

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Thanks to a personalized treatment based on the needs of each patient, the people who come to this center psychological disorders will be able to count on the most effective tools to treat the different types of psychological pathologies that may be suffering.

Nuria Caño Del Campo She has her own psychological center in the city of Portugalete, having a degree in Psychology and a specialist in people with special needs caused by neurodevelopmental disorders, or by problems such as autism and ADHD.

She is specialized in improving school performance in children and adolescents, in treating disorders due to attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and in the treatment of eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Iris Garcia Lombardero She has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country, she has a course on gender equality, and She is also specialized in the field of personal and executive coaching, being an expert in this field.

Among her main specialties are coaching, couples therapy, and treatment of patients affected by anxiety, depression and stress disorders, having treated people in situations of grief and dependence emotional.

Jose Francisco Alvarez He is a Graduate in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education, has a course in Family and couple psychotherapy by the Escuela Vasco Navarra, and he is also a great expert in interventions systemic.

He is a great specialist in family and couples therapy, in the treatment of disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress, and in eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, among other types of pathologies psychological.

The Gran Vía Psychological Center is led by the psychologist Sonia De La Peña Valbuena, which has a degree in Psychology and specializes in treatments such as anxiety and stress disorders, and sexual and relationship disorders.

Among the psychological pathologies that she has treated the most, the dependence on new technologies, people in situations of low self-esteem, and addictions to alcohol, tobacco, and other types of substances addictive.

Arturo de la Fuente Cardaba He has a degree in Psychology, is a recognized expert in the area of ​​clinical psychology, and stands out for being a psychologist who conducts a case-by-case study to find the most effective treatment for each patient.

Among the pathologies that he has treated the most are anxiety, depression and stress disorders, dysfunctions sexual problems, problems in relationships, and eating disorders, among other pathologies psychological.

Delfina Pastor Castaño She has a degree in Psychology and is specialized in treating patients affected by disorders such as addiction to alcohol, tobacco and other addictive substances, obtaining very positive results in their patients.

She is also a specialist in cognitive behavioral therapy, psychological abuse and neglect. childhood, in the treatment of sleep disorders such as insomnia, and in dependence on new technologies.

Iratxe Ojeda Careaga she has a degree in psychology and is specialized in child and adolescent psychology, in psychology general health, and in the psychological care of children with learning disorders such as autism or ADHD.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most throughout all these years, the problems in the couple relationships, people in situations of low self-esteem, and different types of phobias such as agoraphobia.

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