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Characteristics of Dadaism in art

Characteristics of Dadaism in art

Image: dadadá - blogger

Dadaism is an artistic movement founded by Tristan Tzara that arose during the First World War around the year 1916 in a city of Switzerland (specifically Zurich) to later spread not only to the rest of the European countries but also to the States United. Dadaism was characterized among many other things by denying itself the condition that it was an artistic trend like any other, because if Dada art is known for something, it is because is considered an anti-art, that is to say, it went against all the systems, rules, norms established up to that time. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER we will try to see what the Characteristics of Dadaism in Art.

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What is Dadaism.

Dadaism is a movement that was born in the middle of the war and war as such is synonymous with pessimism, destruction, negativity... Museums were destroyed by the bombs of war, so ¿What was the use of doing such transcendental, spiritual and valuable works

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? ¿so that they were destroyed? It was then a time when many people took refuge in Switzerland fleeing from this war situation, because as we well know he was characterized by having a neutral position during the war.

So not only artists, but also sculptors, poets, literati, philosophers met in that city often taking place gatherings with discussions related to war and artDiscussions where that war pessimism was palpable in the atmosphere, as they were disappointed.

However, no matter how strong the negative energy was, the intellectual energy was even greater so it will be in those days. gatherings which will give fruit to the foundation of this new artistic movement and whose main figure, that is, the true creator of this style will be Tristan Tzara, a poet and writer of Romanian origin, along with two other poets, Hugo Ball and Jean Arp.

The next question was to name this movement and for this they used a somewhat peculiar way, because what they did was to blindfold two people, One had to open the Larousse dictionary to the page he wanted and the other, point to a word, the one that came out would take the name of the new artistic trend and that word was Dada, hence, Dadaism.

Just a year later, in 1917 the Dada Gallery is inaugurated in which Tristan Tzara exhibited to the public the manifesto with the various guidelines of this new movement, which over the years was managed to disseminate to through the different meetings that were held in the art galleries, as well as through the journals.

Characteristics of Dadaism in Art - What is Dadaism

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Main characteristics of Dadaism.

But let's get into the matter now and let's concisely analyze the Characteristics of Dadaism in Art. The most important are those that we will mention below.

An anti-artistic vision

One of the main things that Dada art is characterized by is that it is the same artists who made up the movement who who laughed and made fun of him, that is, they denied the value of his works of art in a skeptical way, they said things like “ art is dead” “art is silly”.

They defended that art was popular that had no value in itself, and they invented the Ready made, in which any object that was touched by an artist was given art, for them the works had to be be vulgar, what's more, many of his works were literally taken out of the trash and they did it with the desire from take revenge on society and war, as it was a continuous protest against agreements and pacts of the time.

A new way of making and understanding art

Another of the techniques they used was the photomontage, very similar to collage, but in this case with superimposed images that were taken from newspapers and magazines. Regarding the subject, the realization of a kind of absurd machine in which its operation produced nothing. The machine, as we well know, was the symbol of modern progress, and before these Dadaist representations they wanted to make a mockery of this new scientific advance.

Objective: impact the viewer

The Dadaists with the realization of their works sought above all to impact, scandalize, provoke, leave surprised and puzzled everyone who contemplated his work, because aesthetics were not really what mattered in them, hence they were questioned.

His forms of expression were totally spontaneous, absurd and irrational, of incoherent and incomprehensible images, and the works were titled something that had nothing to do with what they represented.

The influence of Dadaism today is important because thanks to them today many people are They question what is the true condition for a work to be considered artistic or not, since the absence of rules and regulations made of this art that was one of the most transgressive in the history of art.

Characteristics of Dadaism in Art - Main Characteristics of Dadaism

Image: Slideshare

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