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List of PROPHETS in the Bible: Old and New Testaments

List of prophets in the Bible

Prophets are an important part of any religion, having in many of these beliefs a key role especially for its key role as a link between the gods and the human beings who serve them. To talk about the prophets of the predominant religion on the planet, the Christian, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the list of prophets in the bible.

The division of religious texts in the Old and New testament he makes us have to divide the prophets into both groups, to understand the role they played in the Christian faith. The first are those that appeared before the emergence of Jesus and the second after the appearance of the son of God and the beginning of the creation of the Church. Here are the prophets of the Old Testament:


The older brother of Moses and younger of Miriam, being the first High Priest of Israel. He had a fundamental role as the right hand of Moses after the flight from Egypt, and therefore he is a key character of this stage.


It is said that he was blessed with the ability of prophecy for having helped many of God's servants. According to some sources he could have been sent to indoctrinate the Jews, warning of the punishment that God would launch against all the infidels.

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He was a prophet in Solomon's time, he was the one who announced that the northern tribes would separate, and that Israel would fall and come into possession of new, more powerful regions.


Shepherd and producer of figs he is one of the so-called minor prophets. His influence took place in Israel and in the Northern Kingdom, he being very critical of high places, corruption, and how they were abandoning the ideas of God.


Prophet known for his autobiography known as the Book of David, the most important part of his Prophet's work is to talk about the apocalyptic future and the arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth.


Second King of Israel, especially known for defeating Goliath with a sling. Although he is known as a prophet the reality is that his work as king and conqueror is far greater than his role as a prophet.


Prophet and judge of Israel, she being the only judge that Israel had during ancient times. His prophecies were directed to announce victory or defeat before starting certain battles.


A prophet who performed an enormous number of miracles during his life, all of them achieved thanks to his connection with God. His importance as a prophet was so great that he was even ordered to serve as a professor in an academy of prophets.


Elijah's successor is considered one of the Carmelite fathers. Unlike Elijah he was a very lonely prophet, being a kind of forerunner of Jesus.


After returning from his captivity in Babylon he brought the Torah to Jerusalem. His exploits make him a more respected figure in Judaism than in other religions.


Jewish maiden that she became queen of Persia and Media by marrying the mighty Xerxes I. It is said that his role as a prophet was to defend the Jewish people from disappearing.


A prophet during the Babylonian captivity, he was a firm defender of the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem, and his thought that the human being should recover religious morals was key.


Author of the book of Habakkuk, where he talks about the appearance of Chaldea, the fall of Nineveh, and the fall of Assyrian influence.


One of the minor prophets and author of the book of Haggai. His main role was to initiate the rebuilding of the Temple and create illustrations to restore trust in God.


One of the major prophets of Israel, his prophecies about the crisis caused by the increase in the power of the Assyrian Empire being especially relevant.


He was a prophet who lived in Jerusalem, Babylon, Egypt, and Judah. Among his main works are the book of Jeremiah, the Kings and the Lamentations, being he in charge of bringing lamentations to the kings who had failed God.


Protagonist of the book of Job, being a man who was tormented by Satan with God's permission to demonstrate how faithful he was to the latter.


Minor prophet in Assyria, Judah and Israel who prophesy four great events that will change the world forever.


Minor prophet known for being swallowed by a huge fish and then convincing cities to ask God for forgiveness for his sins.


He was the successor of Moses as the leader of the Jews during the conquest of Canaan. After conquering most of the promised land he divided it among the tribes of Israel.


The last of the exile prophets being the author of the Book of Malachi and this being also the last text of the Old Testament.


A prophet of peasant origin who fought against the corruption of the upper classes and against false prophets.


Older sister of Moses and Aaron, she was the leader of all the Jewish women on the march from Egypt in search of a new home.


The most important prophet for his role as liberator of the Jews and as the one in charge by God to communicate the Christian written law.


One of the minor prophets who lived in Galilee, being an author who narrates the end of the Assyrian Empire and that some authors consider that he wrote more stories than prophecies.


Prophet during the reign of David, his role was key to make David understand the sins committed, being the reason why God gave the position of prophet to Nathan.


A prophet and governor of Judea, he was a key figure in the Babylonian captivity and primarily responsible for the construction of the Walls of Jerusalem.


A member of the minor prophets, he is known to speak of God's love for his people as if it were a husband forgiving his unfaithful wife.


Third king of Israel, being especially for the great feats that he achieved during his reign and for the great intelligence with which he made decisions.


Prophet and last judge of Israel, he was key to keeping the situation calm after the death of the successors of Moses, being according to some texts as important as him.


First king of Israel, being important for having been able to unify all the peoples in a new region for the Jews.


A minor prophet, he was instrumental in predicting many of the disasters that Judah suffered.

List of prophets in the Bible - List of Old Testament prophets

To continue this lesson on the list of the prophets of the Bible, we must list those that appear in the New Testament, being key figures for the birth of the Church and therefore being vital to the religion we know today, the New Testament prophets are the following:

  • John the Baptist: He spread religion over wide regions and was in charge of baptizing Jesus.
  • Simeon: She was one of the first people to affirm that Jesus was the son of God.
  • Barnabas: He dedicated his life to spreading the word of God throughout the known world.
  • Ana: Since he met Jesus he was announcing that he would be the person who would save everyone.
  • Zechariah: It is said that she received a visit from an angel announced the birth of her son, Juan Bautista.
  • Silas: Companion of Saint Paul on his travels to expand the Christian Church.
  • Jesus: Son of God, leader of Christianity and the most important prophet of Christianity.
List of Prophets in the Bible - New Testament Prophets
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