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Joshua's Story with Summary

Joshua's story: summary

Image: Slideshare

The most important book in the history of mankind is the Bible, being the place where the most important writings of Christianity are collected, the predominant religion for centuries. The Bible is led by numerous relevant characters, who transmitted the message of God, one of these protagonists being Josué.

Therefore, in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about the Joshua's story in a brief summary very practical to understand it better and study it.

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  1. Biblical sources in which Joshua appears
  2. Joshua and the Exodus story
  3. Joshua's Conquests and His Death-His Story Summarized

The biblical sources in which Josué appears.

To talk about Joshua, the first thing we must take into account are the different sources in which he is spoken of. Joshua appears in various biblical texts, being important in the Exodus and the Numbers, but also the main protagonist in the Book of Joshua.

On the one hand, Exodus is the second of the books of

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the Bible and Numbers is the fourth book, and they narrate the slavery of the Hebrew people and their liberation by Moses. The texts also speak of the march of the people led by Moses through the desert to the Promised Land. Josué is not the protagonist of these books, but he does become very important as successor of Moses. Learn more about this other biblical character in this other lesson from a TEACHER on Summary history of Moses.

On the other hand, the Book of Joshua is the sixth book of the Old Testament and the first of the Nevi'im, being located between the death of Moses and the Book of Judges. The book stars Joshua and narrates the entry of the Israelites into the Promised Land, being the biblical story where this character takes the greatest relevance.

Also, it should be noted that Joshua also appears in non-Bible works, appearing briefly in the quran, the holy book of Islam, being a small apparition with Caleb.

Joshua's Story Summary - The Biblical Sources Joshua Appears

History of Joshua and the Exodus.

Joshua was the son of Nun, a member of the tribe of Ephraim. His birth took place in Egypt, being there where he met such important characters as Moisés or Caleb. During the Exodus, he was one of the Moses' helpers being one of his commanders on his march from Egypt to the desert. He was the leader of the israelite troops in his first battle against the Amalekites when he left the city, which took place in the city of Rephidin, and which ended with the victory of the troops led by Joshua.

Later, he was chosen by Moses to go with him to Mount Sinai, where he was to meet God, but Joshua stayed halfway, not witnessing the delivery of the 10 commandments. After returning they both saw how the Israelites had begun to pray to a golden calf, which provoked the wrath of Moses who destroyed the tables where the 10 commandments were found. Moses went back up the Mount to recreate the tables, but this time Joshua stayed in the camp taking care that the Israelite people will not change their beliefs.

Josué was also one of the 12 spies sent by Moses to Canaan, being together with Caleb the only one who brought a positive report about the city, and it is said that this was the reason why who were the only ones of his generation who were able to enter the Promised Land after wandering the desert for years.

After reaching the Promised land God forbade Moses to enter, as punishment for breaking the tables of commandments on Mount Sinai. God chose Joshua as his successor, and it is said that he gave him invincibility so that he could conquer the Promised Land.

Joshua's Conquests and His Death — His Story Summarized.

To conclude this lesson on Joshua's story in summary, we must talk about the final stage of his life, from the moment he became leader of the israelites, until his death when he had already fulfilled his mission.

Shortly after becoming the leader of the Israelites, Joshua was able to divide the waters of the Jordan River, just as Moses had achieved with those of the Red Sea. Encouraged by such a feat the Israelites were able to conquer the city of Jericho, destroying both the walls and the entire city, Joshua cursing all those people who dared to rebuild the city.

He later tried to attack the city of Ai, but the Israelites failed because of the sin of Achan, who had stolen a series of precious objects from God. Achan was stoned to death and, shortly after, Joshua and his troops conquered the city of Hai. But the peace was short-lived, and the Israelites had to face the attack of five different kings. Joshua asked God for help, and he sent a great hail that killed a large number of enemy soldiers, and at the same time stopped the Sun and the Moon so that the battle would take place during the day.

The following months Joshua conquered several cities, securing the entire area of ​​Canaan, and assigned numerous lands to different Israelite peoples. It was with this that after years of fighting the Israelites found a place they could call home, far away from the Egypt that had made them slaves.

It was after all this, at an advanced age, that Joshua said goodbye to his people, and warned them that they must remain loyal to God. Behind this Josué passed away, with the incredible age of 110 years. Due to his great deeds, Joshua is considered one of the most important characters in Christianity, being one of the greatest bearers of peace that the Israelites had for years.

Joshua's Story: Summary-Joshua's Conquests and His Death-His Summary Story

Image: Slideshare

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