Education, study and knowledge

The 13 best Psychologists experts in Couples Therapy in Parla

The psychologist Javier Ares graduated in Clinical Psychology with Honorable Mention from the Complutense University of Madrid, has a Master in General Health Psychology from UDIMA, a Master in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and a Training Course in Therapy EMDR.

Throughout his career, this professional has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples who request their services, applying an individualized intervention based on the method cognitive-behavioral.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending online cases of anxiety and depression, relationship problems, addictions, Alzheimer's, low self-esteem and family conflicts, all at a very low price. affordable.

The center Advance Psychologists is one of the most prestigious in the Community of Madrid and over 20 years of experience, its professionals have attended to all kinds of queries and problems in people of all ages, as well as in the family and partner.

All the interventions of this center are individualized and the therapies applied in each of the sessions are based on the scientific method, some of the most notable being Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, the humanistic approach or EMDR Therapy.

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In this center you will find professionals specialized in successfully treating eating disorders online, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, family conflicts, relationship problems, low self-esteem and Bipolar disorder.

The Institute of Psychode Psychology It is another of the most prestigious centers in Madrid and its services are aimed at people of all ages, through the online mode and with all possible guarantees and comforts.

The center has a history of more than 15 years of history, in which its professionals have attended to everything type of consultations or problems of their patients, applying for each case the most modern psychological therapies and effective.

The main specialties of the team of professionals at the Psicode center are sexual disorders and relationship, addictions, anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, infidelities and trauma.

The query Psychological Awakenings of Madrid It is one of the most recommended centers in the field of online couples therapy, offered with all the comforts and guarantees of a quality center.

For almost a decade, the professionals of this center have provided their services applying for each match those therapies of proven efficacy that best suit the particular needs of each client.

Among the main specialties of the center, emotional problems of all kinds can be highlighted, deficits in coping skills, anxiety, eating disorders, low self-esteem, and stress.

The psychologist Mariam Mascías Luna also offers a professional psychological intervention specialized in disorders arising in the couple, both face-to-face and online, a modality that offers a personal intervention and with greater flexibility of schedules.

The main specialties of intervention of this professional are, among others, the low self-esteem of one or both members of the couple, anxiety disorders and phobias.

At the psychologist's office Nilda Perez Lopez We will find a professional with more than 16 years of experience who offers an intervention both in person and online.

This professional is specialized in the field of the couple, from which she deals with panic attacks, phobias of all kinds, couple crises related to communication deficits and depression.

The clinical psychologist Timanfaya Hernández Martínez It is also one of the best options to receive therapy in the field of the couple both in person and online.

Some of her specialties are emotional dependence on one of the members of the couple, chronic depression, problems her in the control of aggressiveness and in general any other problem that appears within the couple and makes it difficult to relationship.

The psychologist Veronica Herranz Maroto offers in your consultation support and guidance for all those couples who are going through a bad time or They either want to improve some particular aspect of the relationship and strengthen emotional ties with their partner in lifetime.

In her professional consultation we will find a new opportunity to move forward with the couple relationship and save it from a possible point of no return, through the advice of a qualified professional and experienced.

The psychologist Julian Vergel Bueso serves patients of all ages and especially couples who require professional care and advice to overcome any type of problem.

This professional attends both online and in person and her specialties are conduct disorders, anxiety disorders and sexual dysfunctions of all kinds.

The psychologist Gemma Chaparro offers therapeutic care to patients of all ages and both individually and in the sphere of the couple, for any possible problem.

This professional addresses couple disorders through all kinds of therapies, among which we highlight the Cognitive-behavioral and the systemic therapy, the latter based on conceiving the person as a member of a set of systems, and on assessing the influences that he receives of these.

The psychologist Lara de La Morena She has extensive experience in addressing issues in the field of the couple and is also an expert in systemic family therapy.

Her main intervention specialties are coexistence problems and, especially, cases of gender violence, so she will offer excellent care in this area.

The psychologist Alicia Ayuso Blanco She is an expert in sexual and couples therapy, so in her consultation she will offer efficient solutions for any problem in this area.

We will be able to go to your consultation if we need psychological attention about recurring arguments in the couple, infertility or pregnancy problems, sexual problems or infidelities.

In the psychology center that she runs Charo Fernandez Sainz We will find professional psychological care aimed at patients of all ages and also couples.

This professional will address any problem that hinders the relationship and will offer efficient solutions to resolve frequent arguments, jealousy or breakup processes.

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