Education, study and knowledge

The cognitive theory of multimedia learning: what it is and what it proposes

When we talk about the lifelong lessons of school, institute or any other educational level, we a...

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11 tricks to remember better when studying

For most of our life, most people are continually learning new things.By having new information, ...

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Leocadio Martín: "As a psychologist, the best virtue is passion"

Leocadio Martín: "As a psychologist, the best virtue is passion"

Born in the Canary Islands 54 years ago, Leocadio Martin is one of these indefatigable psychologi...

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The 12 most useful and successful dating sites

New technologies have entered our lives and have changed our way of relating to others, and altho...

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Lactose intolerance: what is it, types and causes of this condition

Lactose intolerance is defined as a disorder that appears in the patient after he ingests a produ...

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Genetic psychology: what it is and how it was developed by Jean Piaget

The name of genetic psychology is possibly unknown to many, and it will surely make more than one...

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Craving: causes of substance use cravings

The use of psychoactive substances, if it is done more or less frequently, it ends up causing the...

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Why you shouldn't underestimate addiction to new technologies

When we think of the word "addiction", it is easy for the image of a very worn out person to come...

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Catecholamines: types and functions of these neurotransmitters

Dopamine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine, the three main catecholamines, are some of the most rel...

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Basal metabolism: what it is, how it is measured and why it allows us to survive

Living beings are not watertight compartments, as we have to obtain energy from the environment t...

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Interview with Silvia Martínez: effects of excessive fear of COVID-19

Interview with Silvia Martínez: effects of excessive fear of COVID-19

There is no doubt that whatever groups that try to sow doubt through conspiracy theories say, the...

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Why does sleep help us learn?

Sleeping is a must. If we want to perform physically and mentally the next day, it is necessary t...

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