Education, study and knowledge

Piaget vs Vygotsky: similarities and differences between their theories

Teaching methods and orientations have been strongly influenced by theories of Jean piaget Y Lev ...

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Nicotine: what it is, characteristics and how it affects our body

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are more than 1.3 billion tobacco smoker...

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Top 10 Chinese legends (and what they mean)

Top 10 Chinese legends (and what they mean)

The East has always been a mysterious and beautiful land for Westerners, with beautiful landscape...

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Top 5 Masters in Leadership and Management Skills

In an increasingly communicated world, it is important to acquire leadership skills Y social skil...

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Emotional contagion: what is it and how does it affect relationships with others

We have all experienced at some point the sensation of sharing the same emotion as the people aro...

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Pure Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Symptoms and Treatments

When we think about the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), we usually focus on thos...

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Digestive system: anatomy, parts and function

Contrary to what many people believe, the digestive process does not just involve mixing food wit...

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Anorexia and bulimia could have genetic origin

A study associates genetic causes that could cause eating disordersA group of American researcher...

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Nerves and stress: what is anxiety for?

Don't lose your temper!Popularly, there is the conviction that "nerves" are like little devils th...

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Hindsight bias: why everything seems obvious once it has happened

Human thinking is constantly driven by a whole series of biases, some easier to identify than oth...

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The 4 decision-making strategies in the company

There are a series of models and techniques that propose decision-making strategies in the compan...

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The origin of insecurity: how to overcome it

Throughout our lives it is common to feel insecure, especially in new situations (back to school,...

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