Education, study and knowledge

Narcissistic people: these are the 9 traits that define them

Narcissism is one of the most researched personality traits in the field of psychology. If it occ...

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Scientific Revolution: what is it and what historical changes did it bring?

A great milestone in history was the Scientific Revolution, a movement and a historical period, s...

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Is your name easy to pronounce? Surely you will flirt more

We have all heard it said many times that people cannot be judged by the appearance of him, that ...

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Henri Fayol: biography of the father of the Positive Administration

Who was Henri Fayol (1841-1925)? He is a very relevant author in the field of business administra...

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Differences between Renaissance and Baroque: how to distinguish them

The Renaissance and the Baroque were two artistic movements that developed after the end of the M...

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How to resolve a conflict between children: 9 guidelines to follow

Childhood is a vital stage where conflicts between equals frequently appear, whether between sibl...

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Genichi Taguchi: biography of this Japanese statistician

Genichi Taguchi: biography of this Japanese statistician

There are different personalities that throughout the 20th century contributed to creating a seri...

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Regulatory mechanisms: what they are and how they make the body work

Living beings, both animals and plants, are open systems that obtain nutrients and gases from the...

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Queen bee syndrome: women who criticize others

Queen bee syndrome is a concept that, despite not being used in clinical settings and not referri...

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John B. Watson: life and work of the behavioral psychologist

John B. Watson, next to Ivan Pavlov, was one of the important characters of the classical conditi...

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10 Brazilian legends based on the history of their cultures

Brazil is a beautiful land, with a rich history and culture in which the heritage of pre-Columbia...

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10 benefits of yoga for athletes (according to science)

10 benefits of yoga for athletes (according to science)

The yoga It is a millenary physical and mental practice that has spread throughout the world than...

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