Education, study and knowledge

Otto Neurath: biography of this philosopher

Otto Neurath was an important and versatile Marxist philosopher. Born on December 10, 1882 in Vie...

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What 7 feminine attributes excite men the most?

What 7 feminine attributes excite men the most?

It seems that some feminine attributes and characteristics considerably awaken a man's desire to ...

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The psychology of attraction, in 12 keys

What does science say about attraction? What are the results of the research carried out by psych...

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The 6 steps to overcome a love rejection

The 6 steps to overcome a love rejection

The love rejections can be uOne of the experiences that produce more anguish and discomfort if th...

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Wernicke's area: anatomy, functions and disorders

Although since the end of the 19th century the localizationist vision has predominated, which att...

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The Personality Theory proposed by Carl Rogers

The Personality Theory proposed by Carl Rogers

The humanistic psychology it is one of the most important currents of thought in psychology. From...

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Inhalant drugs: types, effects and symptoms of intoxication

Airborne use of chemicals such as glues and sprays is relatively common in low-socioeconomic adol...

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6 yoga poses to end back pain

Yoga is an ancient practice that encourages holistic balance, as it produces many benefits for th...

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The 5 most common study methods in Psychology

There are few efforts being made to turn the chaos of psychological knowledge into a well-organiz...

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Yerkes-Dodson law: the relationship between stress and performance

Many people have the feeling that their performance improves when they feel pressured. For exampl...

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Crovitz technique: what it is and how it is used in mental health

One of the methods that can be used to assess autobiographical memory, and therefore retrograde a...

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Anorexia nervosa: symptoms, causes and treatment

The imposition of absolutely impossible beauty canons by society is increasingly on the rise and ...

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