Education, study and knowledge
Electrostatic pressure: what is it and what are its characteristics

Electrostatic pressure: what is it and what are its characteristics

The world of electricity is exciting. From the operation of a battery to the emission of neurons ...

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The 5 types of meat, their properties and disadvantages

The meat has always been one of the main ingredients used in diets of a good part of human cultur...

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Michel Foucault: biography and contributions of this French thinker

Historian, psychologist, philosopher and social theorist. Michel Foucault was one of the great th...

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B. F. Skinner: life and work of a radical behaviorist

What we understand by Psychology it can become very broad. It is an area of ​​study and intervent...

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17 games for two (fun and very interesting)

17 games for two (fun and very interesting)

Good weather is approaching and with it the desire to spend time away from home, either on the be...

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Metamemory: what it is and how it helps us access our agreements

Memory is the ability to store and retrieve information in our brain, but there are processes tha...

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Sandra García Sánchez-Beato: combining psychology and meditation

Psychotherapy does not arise in a vacuum, but relies on a series of ideas and practices that have...

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Palilalia: symptoms, causes and treatment

Probably the word Palilalia does not tell you anything, but surely you recognize or have heard of...

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The 10 most important Roman legends

Roman legends are characterized by combining human beings with mythical animals and fantastic ele...

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My child is afraid of sleeping alone: ​​what to do?

Although it sounds a bit strange, you can also learn to sleep! And, like other behaviors, it is a...

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Can you listen? Important aspects of active listening

A study confirms that most people are unable to actively listen to their interlocutor for more th...

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The 13 best books on Yoga

The 13 best books on Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice very popular today for its health benefits: improves flexibility, hel...

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