Education, study and knowledge

Parkinson's law: why we take longer the longer we have

Many readers will have noticed that it has sometimes taken them a long time to accomplish a seemi...

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Advertising could promote childhood obesity

Health policies are increasingly focused on prevention so that later you do not have to cure. Thi...

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Schadenfreude partisan: what it is and how it affects politics

In some contexts of society, groups of very different and sometimes even totally opposite tendenc...

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The effect of religion on the perception of reality

A team of American researchers have carried out A study about him effect of religious indoctrinat...

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Why does the skin get gooseflesh?

Goose bumps are one of those phenomena that remind us that the separation between humans and othe...

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The 5 best NLP courses (Neurolinguistic Programming)

The 5 best NLP courses (Neurolinguistic Programming)

When we talk about the Neuro-Linguistic Programming, also known as NLP, we refer to the way the b...

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Interview with Johanna Beato: social networks and their effects on sexuality

Interview with Johanna Beato: social networks and their effects on sexuality

For better and for worse, the social networks present on the Internet are here to stay, and for a...

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The 12 warning signs of fascism according to Umberto Eco

Politics has always been an integrated element in human life, both in what affects us collectivel...

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Inner peace: what it is and 5 tips on how to achieve it

The concept of inner peace it is often used informally in all kinds of contexts. Although it is a...

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Thought disorders: what they are, classification and characteristics

Among the many mental illnesses that exist, those that affect thinking represent an important par...

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4 unproductive personality types according to Erich Fromm

4 unproductive personality types according to Erich Fromm

Since psychology has appeared a multitude of proposals for classify personality types. Some with...

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Asperger syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Do you know Sheldon Cooper from the TV series Big Bang Theory? Today many more people know what A...

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