Education, study and knowledge

Top 10 theories of the origin of life

Planet earth is estimated to have existed for 4.55 billion years. For its part, life as we know i...

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Obsession for beauty: common causes and symptoms

We live in a time when the external image is so important that it has come to condition our lives...

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Aporophobia (rejection of the poor): causes of this phenomenon

Phobias are characteristic anxiety disorders in people who develop an irrational fear of people, ...

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Sigmund Freud's theory of personality

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the founder of psychoanalysis, developed various models to explain the...

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What is Research Design and how is it done?

Do you know what a research design is? Surely you relate it to statistics classes, experimental p...

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Learn to live in the present

The year 2020 plunged us into uncertainty with the appearance of an unimaginable pandemic in the ...

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Valproate (valproic acid): drug uses and side effects

Since ancient times, there have been hundreds of disorders and alterations that have affected hum...

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Training the attention muscle, key to strengthening resilience

Training the attention muscle, key to strengthening resilience

In these times of confinement caused by the pandemic, thousands of people are facing a complicate...

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Why narcissists try to make us feel insecure

Narcissistic people are known for the kind of relationship they establish with their own self-ima...

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What is Bioethics? Theoretical bases and objectives

Throughout the history of humanity, human rights have been violated on multiple occasions, there ...

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Ambivalent attachment: what is it and how to detect it?

Human beings are social animals that need the acceptance and care of others. To have a good emoti...

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Emotionally immature people: 5 traits

It is clear that not all people grow and develop at the same rate. However, while physical develo...

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