Education, study and knowledge

The best 9 Psychologists in barrio del Pacífico (Madrid)

Javier Ares He has a degree in psychology and is a renowned Madrid psychologist specialized in th...

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The 15 best Psychologists in Jaén

The psychologist Jose Miguel Martin Vazquez directs the online psychotherapy portal Everything is...

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The best 10 Psychologists in Sant Celoni

Patricia morales She has a degree in psychology and stands out for having completed a master's de...

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The 9 best Coaches in Tres Cantos

Fernando Azor He has a degree in psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, he has a m...

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The 6 psychological keys to being liked by others

The 6 psychological keys to being liked by others

Oscar Wilde once said that "there is never a second chance to make a good first impression" and h...

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Truth Serum: Does This Drug Really Work?

The idea of ​​accessing not only people's control but also the information they might be hiding i...

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The best 10 Psychologists in Delicias (Zaragoza)

Those who start a process of therapeutic intervention with a professional psychologist usually do...

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Rhabdomyolysis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Body worship is common today. A large part of the population does some kind of sport. And in many...

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Erving Goffman's theory of social action

Erving Goffman's theory of social action

With a simple glance at the publications of your friends or followers in social networks like Fac...

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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Segovia

The psychologist Jose Martin del Pliego he runs the Los Tilos Medical Center, a center specialize...

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Machiavellian people: 8 traits that characterize them

Machiavellianism is a concept that refers to a distinction between the strategies used to achieve...

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Addictive thoughts: how to escape the loop?

Intuitively, we can think that the best way to avoid relapsing into addictive behavior is to bloc...

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