Education, study and knowledge

Regulation of emotions in childhood

On many occasions we tend to downplay issues related to the expression of emotions in children. I...

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Gregariousness: the Bandwagon effect and the Underdog effect

Gregariousness: the Bandwagon effect and the Underdog effect

The human being is a gregarious being by nature. As such, it is subject to interaction with other...

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The best 12 Psychologists in Talca

People who decide to go to the psychologist for the first time, sometimes tend to experience feel...

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The 4 differences between jealousy and envy

Each and every one of us has dreams, objectives and desires which we would like to achieve, as we...

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The effects of the heat wave on mental health

The effects of the heat wave on mental health

High temperatures arrive and with them the danger that comes with the arrival of a heat wave.With...

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The best 9 Sexologists in Carranque (Málaga)

Juan Miguel In Love He has a degree in Psychology, a specialist in general health psychology, has...

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The 10 best Coaches in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

The Psychologist and Professional Counselor Enhamed Enhamed He has a Graduate in Psychology from ...

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The physical and psychological benefits of laughter

The physical and psychological benefits of laughter

Several studies and investigations have tried to find the influence that laughter has on our ment...

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80 phrases by Carl Jung to rethink your existence

Carl Jung was one of Freud's disciples who later disagreed with him to the point of developing di...

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The 12 types of friends: what are yours like?

There can be many types of friends, but good friends there are few. Throughout our lives we meet ...

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The best 12 Psychologists in Ayamonte (Huelva)

The psychologist Jose Miguel Martin Vazquez He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous Uni...

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The best 11 Psychologists in Esplugues de Llobregat

Center Terapèutic Gena It is one of the best options for those seeking addiction therapy.Its appr...

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