Education, study and knowledge

Can love exist between species? Science says yes

Both the people who care animals such as those who have embarked on a vegetarian lifestyle are pr...

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Mary Wollstonecraft: biography of this pioneer of feminism

There are women who, throughout history, have championed equal rights and opportunities without d...

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Do Punishments Really Work?

His six-year-old son insists that he wants to play soccer in the living room of his house, with t...

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Polygamy: what does this type of marriage consist of?

Polygamy: what does this type of marriage consist of?

The polygamy It is a type of marriage that, although it is rare in territories where Western cult...

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The 10 best Psychologists for Adolescents in Pamplona

The psychologist Monica Tanco She has more than 20 years of professional experience and is a spec...

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Anxiety with negative feelings: what to do?

Anxiety is a type of discomfort that is as common as it is diverse. In fact, it is such a complex...

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The 7 best Sports Psychologists in Barcelona

The Psychologist and Sports Coach Francesc Porta He is one of the most prominent professionals in...

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The Self-Help Books and Articles Trap

Imagine that the cooking recipes did not include the ingredients, or that to learn to dance a tan...

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The 70 best famous quotes of Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King is one of the most influential figures of modernity. This American Baptist pas...

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What is intersex? Definition, causes and types

Until a few years ago, intersex was considered a disorder, that is, the fact of have intermediate...

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The 8 types of character (and their characteristics)

What is the character? What types of character are there and how are they classified?Le Senne him...

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The 80 best phrases of Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a celebrated American writer and philosopher, born in the well-known city...

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