Education, study and knowledge

Dyslalia: types, symptoms, causes and treatment

The term dyslalia refers to difficulties in pronouncing certain sounds, which can occur in childr...

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The 53 best phrases of Success

This compilation of successful phrases They can be an aid to self-motivation when it comes to con...

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The best 10 Psychologists in Tàrrega

Lorena gonzalez She has a degree in Psychology and also, she stands out for being co-founder of t...

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The intervention in Psychomotricity: what does it consist of?

Psychomotricity is the discipline that studies the relationship between the psyche and motor skil...

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What happens in your brain when you drink coffee?

Many people start the day with a good cup of coffee. This substance has reached a very high level...

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50 famous phrases and quotes about Marketing

Marketing is the discipline of advertising that studies the way in which companies can seduce the...

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The essentials to consider when looking for a partner

Search and find a partner It is a process that is often considered one of the most important elem...

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Floating signifiers and the construction of hegemonies

In recent months, following the emergence of We can, has been spoken on numerous occasions of the...

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The open war between psychoanalysis and behaviorism

Psychology is a science that has embraced multiple forms and ways of understanding the human mind...

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The best 12 Psychologists in Ourense

The psychologist Eva Nuñez She has extensive experience in professional intervention aimed at chi...

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The 6 best Psychology Clinics in La Coruña

Maria Teresa Pena She is a Graduate in Health Psychology from the National University of Distance...

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The 20 countries with the most gender violence in the world

Gender-based violence is a major global problem that takes the lives of thousands of people every...

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