Education, study and knowledge
Catholicism and Christianity - Differences

Catholicism and Christianity - Differences

Throughout life we ​​find that sometimes we are asked questions that are somewhat deeper issues a...

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ARCHIMEDES: most important inventions

ARCHIMEDES: most important inventions

The Ancient Greece he had an enormous number of thinkers of different kinds who helped a classica...

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Emigration and immigration: definition and differences

Emigration and immigration: definition and differences

Image: ConceptDefinition.deWe currently live in a global world, a planet in which it is easier ev...

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Discover what Minoan culture was like in Crete

Discover what Minoan culture was like in Crete

Image: SlideshareThe history of greece takes us centuries ago, before the well-known Athens and S...

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Main historical figures of Mexico

Main historical figures of Mexico

Image: SoupThroughout the history of a country, many are the characters that in one way or anothe...

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Discover how was the SOCIAL organization of the OLMECAS

Discover how was the SOCIAL organization of the OLMECAS

Image: YoutubeMother cultures are usually much less recognized than they should be, since even th...

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Viceroyalty of New Spain

Viceroyalty of New Spain

At its peak of splendor, the great spanish empire It had colonies in most of the planet, being es...

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Discover who is the GODDESS of ANIMALS in the main MYTHOLOGIES

Discover who is the GODDESS of ANIMALS in the main MYTHOLOGIES

Image: Fantastic BeastsOne of the main elements that have been related to religion and mythology ...

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Ancient Greece and its cities

Ancient Greece and its cities

The gestation process of the city-states of Greece was quite long in time, spanning from the seco...

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Brief biography of Alfonso x el Sabio

Brief biography of Alfonso x el Sabio

One of the most influential personalities in history in the cultural development of Spain was Alf...

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Karl Marx's Capital

Karl Marx's Capital

From the works of Karl Marx, Capital it is the main platform on which he built the foundation of ...

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Most important painters of Romanticism

Most important painters of Romanticism

Romanticism is an artistic style of the first half of the 19th century, contemporary with neoclas...

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