There is a popular saying that each continent, at some point in its history, has had its Particul...
Mathematics is one of the purest and most technically objective sciences that exists.. In fact, i...
Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown was an English anthropologist who conducted important ethnographi...
Anselm of Canterbury (1033 - 1109), also known as Anselm of Aosta, was a famous Benedictine monk ...
In recent centuries, science has advanced at a forced pace. Various studies on different subjects...
Mindfulness (or Full Attention) techniques are part of a philosophy of life that incorporates, am...
When there is a marital separation, It is often said that those who suffer the most are the child...
We all like to see movies from time to time, be it in the cinema when it is released, on televisi...
Dante Alighieri was a renowned Italian poet born in the year 1265 in the famous city of Florence,...
In a society with a high rate of unemployment and unemployment, many people decide to take the ri...
Fenaglicodol is an anxiolytic, hypnotic and sedative drug., very similar to meprobamate. He mepro...
Romantic love, or the feeling of being in love with another person, is one of the most turbulent ...