Education, study and knowledge

5 examples of Parasites that control the Mind of their victims

Nature, although sometimes presented as an open book, still entails many unknowns for science. Sc...

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Blood group 0+: chemical and medical characteristics

Probably each and every one of us, at some point in our lives, whether through a donation of bloo...

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Slow Parenting: a new parenting model

Slow Parenting, is a parenting style that promotes education based on the natural rhythms of chil...

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Von Restorff effect: what it is and how it helps us remember

Let's do a mental exercise. Let's imagine that someone leaves the following shopping list written...

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What do they mean when they talk about childhood wounds?

What do they mean when they talk about childhood wounds?

When we talk about childhood wounds we are referring to what is unfinished that has been left in ...

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Brainwashing: can thinking be controlled?

A large number of people use the concept of brainwashing to refer to a wide range of phenomena th...

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Couples Therapy in San Luis Río Colorado: the 8 best psychologists

San Luis Río Colorado is a large city located in the well-known Mexican state of Sonora., which c...

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Granule cells: characteristics and functions of these neurons

Granule cells can be found in various brain structures., such as the cerebellum, the olfactory bu...

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The work of the Psychologist when helping patients with Phagophobia

Phagophobia, also called choking phobia or choking phobia, is an intense fear and anxiety of chok...

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Psychologist Julieta Cabrera Armenta

Lic. Psychology with an integrative perspective of the biopsychosocial beingWe are a group of psy...

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Grief for the Pursuit of Material Happiness: how is it managed?

Grief for the Pursuit of Material Happiness: how is it managed?

The constant search for happiness is a fundamental part of the human experience. We all aspire to...

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Cocaine Psychosis: the relationship between Cocaine and psychosis

The dependence on cocaine It is a chronic disorder characterized by relapses and high comorbidity...

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