Education, study and knowledge
The 25 most read articles on Psychology and Mind in 2015

The 25 most read articles on Psychology and Mind in 2015

2015 is over. A very important year for Psychology and Mind, because Thanks to our audience, we a...

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Grief over death: the process of seeking comfort

A few months ago, on the cusp of the greatest pain I have ever personally experienced, I received...

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Learning difficulties: definition and red flags

The learning difficulties (DA) They include in their definition a heterogeneous set of alteration...

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Influence of child sexual abuse on adolescent suicide

We are at a time when more and more are coming to light. cases of childhood sexual abuseIt might...

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The best 9 Psychological Experts in Mérida (Spain)

The Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Gemma Echevarría He has more than 18 years of professional...

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The 9 best Psychologists experts in Group Therapy in Zaragoza

Located in the autonomous community of Aragon, Zaragoza is a city located in the northeast of Spa...

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Paloma Herrera Cabinet of Psychology

In my Cabinet of Psychology, in Gandía, I intervene in children, adolescents, adults and relation...

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The best 7 Psychologists in San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca

The psychologist Tatiana stacul She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Salvador,...

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Educational Coaching: a tool to teach better

The coaching It is a methodology that allows the maximum personal and professional development of...

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Humanist Therapy: what is it and on what principles is it based?

It seems that Humanist Therapy is in fashion. Courses, conferences, web pages, articles appear ev...

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70 Chinese Proverbs on Wisdom, Love, Life and Work

70 Chinese Proverbs on Wisdom, Love, Life and Work

Today we bring you a compilation of Chinese Proverbs that have to do with different aspects of li...

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Healthy envy: what is it and why is it not so "healthy"?

Two types of envy are often spoken of: pure envy, based on hostility towards others, and healthy ...

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