Education, study and knowledge

The Modernity

Consequences of the war of Spanish succession

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the consequences of the war of the Spanish succ...

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30 years war

30 years war

Throughout history different events occur that cause a total change in the times where they happe...

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The most IMPORTANT contributions of Galileo Galilei

The most IMPORTANT contributions of Galileo Galilei

Image: SlideshareThroughout our history there have been many great inventors and researchers that...

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Who was James Cook

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Who was James Cook".Who was James Cook. James ...

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Napoleon Bonaparte: short biography

Napoleon Bonaparte: short biography

Do you want to know more about the life of one of the most important military that history has gi...

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CAUSES of the HAITI revolution and main CONSEQUENCES

CAUSES of the HAITI revolution and main CONSEQUENCES

When talking about the origin of liberal revolutions history tends to always talk about those tha...

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It was MEIJI in Japan

It was MEIJI in Japan

The history of japan It is one of the most interesting of humanity, with great changes depending ...

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Seven Years War

Seven Years War

Image: MundoAntiguoThe Seven Years' War was a conflict that pitted some of the world's greatest p...

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What was the Counter-Reformation

What was the Counter-Reformation

Image: SlideshareThe Counter-Reformation, or also known as the Catholic Reformation, is a movemen...

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Galileo Galilei: most important discoveries

Galileo Galilei: most important discoveries

Image: Amino AppsThroughout history there have been a great number of incredible people, capable ...

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What was the Council of Trent

What was the Council of Trent

Along the history, the religion It has been an element that has modified the world of the time, t...

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The most important Leonardo da Vinci inventions

The most important Leonardo da Vinci inventions

Image: High levelLeonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is probably the paradigm of a Renaissance artist, ...

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