Education, study and knowledge


LA REGENTA by Clarín: text comment

LA REGENTA by Clarín: text comment

The Regent, one of the most important novels in 20th century Spanish literature, has been studied...

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RAYUELA characters: main and secondary

RAYUELA characters: main and secondary

Julio Cortázar is one of the most relevant authors of Hispanic American literature of all history...

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CHARACTERS of Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan: main and secondary characters

CHARACTERS of Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan: main and secondary characters

Little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan is a novel written by Carmen Martín Gaite in 1900 and that te...

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The Prince of the Mist by Ruiz Zafón

The Prince of the Mist by Ruiz Zafón

The Prince of Mist is the first success of the well-known author Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It is a work ...

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The prince of the mist by Ruiz Zafón: main and secondary CHARACTERS

The prince of the mist by Ruiz Zafón: main and secondary CHARACTERS

The Prince of Mist is the first successful novel by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It is a youth play that na...

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Martin Gaite's back room

Martin Gaite's back room

the back room is a novel of Carmen Martin Gaite set in Spain in 1975. This book talks about every...

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Romance of the black penalty of LORCA: analysis and meaning [RESUMEN!]

Romance of the black penalty of LORCA: analysis and meaning [RESUMEN!]

The black sorrow romance is a lyrical composition that he wrote Federico Garcia Lorca in 1928 and...

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Fireflies by Ana María Matute: SUMMARY by chapters

Fireflies by Ana María Matute: SUMMARY by chapters

Fireflies is a literary work by Ana María Matute, a Spanish novelist who was a member of the Roya...

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Fireflies by Ana María MATUTE: main and secondary characters [summary!]

Fireflies by Ana María MATUTE: main and secondary characters [summary!]

Firefliesis a literary work written by the novelist Ana Maria Matute. It focuses on the history o...

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The yes of the girls of Fernández de Moratín

The yes of the girls of Fernández de Moratín

The yes of the girls is a play written by the Spanish playwright Leandro Fernandez de Moratin. It...

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Characters of TORMENTO de Galdós: main and secondary [Summary!]

Characters of TORMENTO de Galdós: main and secondary [Summary!]

Tormentis a work by Benito Pérez Galdós and belongs to the cycle of contemporary novels by the au...

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The YES of the GIRLS: main and secondary characters [summary!]

The YES of the GIRLS: main and secondary characters [summary!]

The yes of the girls is a play by Leandro Fernández de Moratín which was premiered on January 24,...

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