Education, study and knowledge


Women suffer more from breakups

Women suffer more from breakups

One of the worst experiences that human beings can suffer is when the person we love tells us th...

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The 5 most important types of rationality in the human being

Rationality is one of the qualities that define us as humans, but its definition can be posed in ...

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The 30 Most Motivating Songs Ever

The 30 Most Motivating Songs Ever

Much research has shown that music has a positive effect on our behavior. and our behavior, affec...

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Be water, my friend: the 7 laws to adapt to life

In many cases, much of the stress, fear and anguish that we experience on a daily basis is mainly...

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Change your mind to change your life

Change your mind to change your life

“My mind exhausts me”, I can't stop thinking, I would love to turn it off. These are comments I o...

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What is the somatic marker hypothesis?

The human being is a complex animal. Underlying its reality as a living organism is both the abil...

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Image superiority effect: what is it and how does it affect us?

Everyone knows that a picture is worth a thousand words, and it is also remembered much better. T...

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Why are there more right-handers than left-handers?

In this article we will analyze the fight hypothesis that talks about left-handedness, fight and ...

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"Others are to blame for everything": causes and solutions

How we interpret the things that others do is crucial for our personal well-being, since it large...

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Reductionism and Psychology: not everything is in the brain

Many of the discussions that take place within psychology are not, technically, psychological dis...

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Schachter and Singer's theory of emotion

In basic psychology, there are many theories that try to explain the origin of emotions (psycholo...

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Is there suicide in animals?

Suicide is one of the most common causes of unnatural death. and traumatic, claiming a large numb...

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