Education, study and knowledge


Selenophilia: what is it and how is the fascination for the Moon expressed?

The Moon is the queen of the night, who is accompanied by thousands of her vassals, the stars, or...

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The 11 Best Psychology Podcasts

The 11 Best Psychology Podcasts

A podcast represents a type of digital content, usually presented in audio or video format., whic...

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Manipulative behavior: how to detect it in 6 keys

Normally, when we talk about domination and power of some people over others, we refer to the use...

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The best training in Emotional Intelligence for psychologists

The best training in Emotional Intelligence for psychologists

In recent decades, the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI), which he popularized daniel golema...

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The 4 differences between reliability and validity (in science)

Since in colloquial language they have very similar meanings, it is easy to confuse the terms rel...

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How to adjust to retirement: 6 tips

Retirement is one of the stages of life that, if not well managed at the beginning, can cause som...

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Systems that govern our lives

Have you ever had that strange feeling of not being the same person with everyone?I remember bein...

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4 problem solving techniques (and how to use them)

4 problem solving techniques (and how to use them)

On many occasions a complex problem is presented in front of us and we do not know how to deal wi...

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The 4 advantages of speaking several languages

Many of us are well aware of some advantages that the learning new languages. Most of these stren...

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Westermarck effect: lack of desire towards childhood friends

Many people are interested in knowing what characteristics and behavior styles enhance attractive...

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How much does a psychologist earn? Average salary in different countries

How much does a psychologist earn? Average salary in different countries

Mental and physical health problems, adjustment to the needs of different individuals and groups,...

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Bias on my side: what it is and how it distorts our perception of things

Have you ever wondered why debates are getting more and more polarized? Why when two people argue...

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