Education, study and knowledge


Thatcher effect: what is this optical illusion?

We have all seen an optical illusion at one time or another and have marveled at discovering its ...

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The UB pays tribute to the experimental psychologist N. mackintosh

The University of Barcelona awards the Gold Medal to Nicholas MackintoshThe news has recently rea...

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Illusion of control bias: what it is and how it affects us

Cognitive biases are deviations from “normal” mental processing that make us think irrationally i...

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Let's talk about emotions

We can define emotions as a set of physiological reactions that all people experience when faced ...

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10 free online courses starting in January (2017)

We are in a time when to stay in the labor market it is necessary to renew and train continuously...

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The because of the causes

If I had to choose a question that usually comes to mind recurrently in the most arduous and comp...

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Seligman's Theory of Preparation: Explaining Phobias

There are many theories that try to explain the acquisition of phobias. Why do you think some pho...

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Kuder Vocational Preference Test

There is a moment in the life of every person in which they have to decide what they want to dedi...

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Verbal operants: what they are, types and operation

The psychologist b. F. Skinner called communication skills “Verbal Behavior”; Specifically, it co...

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The 4 psychological effects that astronauts experience in space

It has been more than 50 years since the human being arrived on the Moon, and since then we have ...

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Edwin Locke's goal setting theory

For years, the psychology of organizations has tried to explain concepts such as worker motivatio...

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The 3 types of sensory memory: iconic, echoic and haptic

There are many different hypotheses about the functioning of human memory that often overlap with...

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