Education, study and knowledge


The 3 types of conformity that affect us on a daily basis

Conformity is the tendency that leads us to modify attitudes and behaviors such as strategy of re...

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Top 10 Psychologists in Reykjavik

The Psychologist and Coach Monica dosil She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Bar...

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5 ways to improve our body and gesture language

Gesture and body language it is part of our inheritance received through our ancestors, and there...

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Rebellion in adolescence: why it appears and what to do

Either because we have lived it in our moment or because we have children or relatives at that mo...

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Onboarding: what it is and why it is key to employee performance

Onboarding: what it is and why it is key to employee performance

Adapting to a new job is not always an easy task, in fact, most applicants tend to quit within a ...

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Top 10 Mindfulness Psychologists in San Diego

The psychologist Arodi Martinez He is a Graduate in Psychology Psychology from the InterAmerican ...

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The 10 best Detox Clinics in Pamplona

Forum Terapeutic Pamplona It is another of the most valued detoxification centers in the city of ...

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The best 10 Psychologists in Iztapalapa (Mexico City)

Located within the metropolitan area of ​​the city of Mexico City, Iztapalapa is a territorial de...

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How to reconcile with someone after arguing: 7 useful tips

No relationship, friendship or work is free from arguments. It is inevitable that there are diffe...

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Top 10 Psychologists in Fairfield (California)

With a permanent population of more than 115,000 people and a geographical area that manages to b...

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Top 10 Mindfulness Psychologists in New York

The psychologist Arodi Martinez He is a Graduate in Psychology with Honors from the InterAmerican...

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Social grooming: what it is, characteristics, effects and functions

Social grooming: what it is, characteristics, effects and functions

Hygiene is widespread in the animal kingdom. Many species go to great lengths to keep their coats...

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